Chapter 25

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Cuddling on the floor of a shower was cute for about two minutes. Louis' hands were getting pruney and his hair was wet and dripping down his face. But Harry seemed content and Louis wasn't going to move until Harry said so.

"Can we, um," Harry pulled back to look at Louis, "I like the cuddling, but can we maybe get out of the shower?" Harry asked.

"Yes, we can do that." Louis leaned over and turned off the water. Harry opened the shower door and reached for both the towels on the rack. He handed one to Louis and used the other for himself.

Louis stepped out and towel dried his hair. When he flipped his head back up Harry was already wrapped in the towel. His curls were hanging in his face. Louis had the urge to reach out and touch them.

"You can touch me. If you want," Harry murmured.

Well if you say so.

Louis reached out his hand and ran his fingers through the front of Harry's hair pushing it out of his face.

Harry leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. "I think you can touch me whenever you want. Around the boys I mean," Harry quickly amended without opening his eyes.

"Don't say it if you don't mean it, Harry, because I will take full advantage."

Harry did open his eyes now. But Louis didn't take his fingers away from Harry's hair. "I mean it. But only in front of the boys okay? I still can't-"

"I know. That's fine," Louis closed the remaining space and gave Harry's nose an Eskimo kiss. "I'm so happy."

"Really? Even if I can't be gay?"

Louis had to press his lips together to keep from saying something harsh. "You can be whatever you want as long as you want me."

Harry grinned at that, "I do. I want you."

Louis kissed one cheek and then the other. "Ok, then."


There was no mistaking when the other three got home.

"Sing with me Zayn!" Niall shouted.

"Sod off, idiot," Zayn grumbled.

"Liam! Sing with me!"

"Oh when the saints! Go marching in!" Liam rang out.

"Oh when the saints go marching in!" Niall and Liam sang to together.

"What the hell?" Louis came out of the bedroom in his boxers with mussed up hair.

Harry and him had been having a very nice nap. Louis even got to be big spoon. And Harry was so soft under him.

Harry had woken at the noise but Louis told him to go back to sleep and Louis would check it out.

"You woke him up, guys. Good job," Zayn pointed out.

"Sorry, Lou! I'm sorry!" Niall was still yelling.

"Ok, shhhh. Just be quiet. Harry's still asleep."

"Oh Harry really was sick?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, right. If Lou's red knees and hoarse voice are anything to by."

Louis gave Zayn a death glare. He hated that Zayn could always see past what everyone else saw.

"Oh, yeah! Lou, get some!" Niall cheered.

"Shut up," Louis begged, "Harry really is asleep." He pointed to Niall, "Are you drunk?"

"What?" Niall pretended to be offended.

"Forget it. Just please stay quiet so we can sleep."

"Sleep," Liam said accusingly.

Louis just gave them a certain hand gesture and went back to their room.

"Is Niall smashed? He sounds smashed," Harry's voice was thick with sleep.

"Yes," Louis said and crawled back up the bed. Harry lifted up the blanket and Louis shimmied in and up Harry's back.

Louis made a pleased sound against Harry's shoulders. Harry wiggled back trying to get Louis even closer.

"I don't ever want to leave here," Harry voiced what Louis had been thinking constantly for days now.

"Me either. But you want that degree don't you?"

"I guess. I mean, it's always been the plan. I was fast tracked from the moment I set foot on campus so I could get my degree in two years and join Robin at his company."

"Is that what you want?" Louis asked tentatively. He'd never discussed Harry's family, outside of The Story, and he wasn't sure how to broach it.

"It's what's expected."

"Yeah. And it's a great future. But only if you want it."

"I don't know what I want my future to be anymore."

Harry's words were practically silent but he might as well have been screaming at Louis.

What the hell does that mean?

They've only know each other for six months and only been involved for a couple weeks. They weren't even dating!

But Louis still saw every scenario of his future life with Harry by his side. Was that even sane? Maybe Louis had gone crazy. Maybe he didn't care.

"Yeah. I thought I knew my future too. But I'm not so sure anymore."

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