Chapter 35

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"Mom, please. I can get it. I'm not handicapped," Harry whined.

He'd been back at his apartment for a couple days now. His parents were staying in the guest room and they were being nothing if not smothering.

"Harry you just had surgery. Let me get it."

Harry put a hand up towards her. "I am fine. I will get it."

He got up from the couch and went to get a bottle of water from the fridge. "I wish you would just let us take care of you, Harry."

"I don't need you to. I'm on house arrest. Full fridge. Like four thousand channels." Harry gulped down his drink. "You don't even need to be here."

Harry knew he was being harsh. In any other circumstance he'd of loved to be waited on by his parents who rarely ever took care of him directly. But he hadn't seen Louis in days. Barely texted because Louis was always sending 'pictures' and cheeky things and Anne was always sitting right there.

They'd talked on the phone once when Harry went to 'take a shower'. But he hadn't kissed him, hugged him, much less anything else in days or weeks.

He'd just landed his first boyfriend ever! And look at him! Older, handsome, funny, perfect ass. But he can't even see him.

This officially sucked. So yeah, he was being a bit harsh. But can you blame him?

"Harry Edward. Your father and I are very busy people. But we have taken time out to take care of you. You should show a little appreciation."

Harry nodded guiltily. "I know. I'm sorry. But you are busy. And I'm fine. I'll take it easy. You really don't need to temporarily live with me."

"Maybe he's right, dear," Robin spoke up.

"What do you mean?" she asked dumbfounded.

"He's a grown man. And honestly his recovery involves sleeping mostly. And I'm in the middle of a huge partnership right now. You've been working on that committee."

Anne was looking more and more bewildered as Robin went on.

"All I'm saying is if Harry doesn't want us here," he turned to Harry, "no offense taken, son. Then maybe it's fine for us to go back home."

"Mom. Can we make a deal? How about I have someone come check on me everyday. Twice a day even. Until I'm healed. I have to get my homework and everything anyway."

Anne seemed to think it over. "Not that Louis boy. I don't like him. Bad seed I can tell." Harry practically cringed. "How about that Niall kid? He seems very nice."

Harry nodded shortly. "Niall. Sure. I know he'll do it."

Anne was pacing. "I don't know."

"Mom. Please. I need some peace and quiet."

Anne looked from Harry to Robin and back. "Fine," she submitted, "But I swear Harry, anything goes wrong. Anything. You call immediately." Anne went and hugged Harry's head to her chest.

Harry was surprised at first by the affection. Anne hadn't been so maternal since him great gram died when he was young.

"I promise, Mom."

Robin was already in the guest room packing up the small cases they'd brought with them. "Harry," he called from the room.

Harry went down the hall, while Anne collected her jackets from the closet by the door.


"Please be careful."

Harry came in and sat on the bed. "I will, I swear. Sleeping mostly, like you said."

"That's not what I meant, Harry."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, confused.

"Make sure, when Niall," he emphasized the name, "comes over that you don't do anything dumb. You may not think so Harry but you're still very sick. And your mom is going to want updates. Pictures even."

Harry bit on his lip. Was Robin eluding to Louis? Did he know? If so, why hasn't he said something.

Finally Harry chose a safe answer, "Of course, Robin. He'll only be here for a couple minutes a day anyway."

Robin looked at Harry for a minute then nodded acceptingly.

"Alright, then," he finished folding his shirts just so. "I hope to hear from you soon." He picked up his case and Anne's. Harry went to reach for one to help but Robin pulled it away. "Now that. Don't push yourself. Rest Harry."

Harry huffed but nodded.

"Robin, don't forget my jewelry," Anne called from the living room.

Harry went the dresser and grabbed the rather large bag of sectioned off jewelry. Robin eyed Harry but let him carry it anyway.

Within ten minutes his parents were in the car, pulling off, Harry smiling behind them.


"Lou, get your perfect ass over here, right now," Harry demanded into the phone. He was sitting on his bed, sipping applesauce from a little plastic cup.

"Where are your parents?"

"Home. Or on their way. I convinced them to leave!"

"Harry. That wasn't smart. You need someone there with you. You're laying down, right? Drinking plenty of water?" Louis was suddenly concerned.

"Yes, Louis. I'm following all the rules. Only water and tea. Soft foods. I walked for five minutes around my apartment earlier."

"Good, good," Louis sounded relieved.

"Plus, I will have someone here with me."

"Who? I bet they asked Niall to stay with you." Harry could tell Louis was jealous and a little hurt.

"They did actually. But I have someone better in mind."

Louis could see Harry's smiled through the phone. "I'll be there in fifteen."

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