Chapter 44

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Harry tried to convince Louis to let him drive but Louis actually laughed and said, "Not a chance, babe." Louis' car was second, only to Harry.

When they made it to Louis' apartment, Harry helped him to the elevator and kept a firm but gentle hold on him for the ride up to his floor.

Louis unlocked the door and dropped his keys on the table. Harry felt for the light and flicked on the switch.

Louis kicked his shoes off and practically fell to the couch, wincing when his back hit the cushions.

"I'll turn down the bed. You should take a shower. No bath. I'll run a bath," Harry started scrambling around the apartment.

Louis thought about stopping him, but he really wanted a bath, and when Harry was hurt he loved taking care of him.

Louis heard the water run in the bathroom. Harry came and helped him up and led him to the bathroom. He started taking Louis' clothes off gently. Louis lifted his arms and Harry slid his shirt over his head.

He only had a few small bruises by his neck. But Harry could see his back in the mirror and the large spread of bruises there, shiny from the muscle rub Harry put on earlier.

"God, Lou," Harry worried.

"It's fine. Really. Definitely not the worst I've had."

Harry made an unpleased sound, "Don't say that. I don't want to know that."

Louis grabbed Harry's hand, "Sorry."

Harry kissed Louis' cheek, "I love you so much."

Louis nuzzled into Harry and whispered, "Promise you won't stop loving me."

"Never," Harry answered immediately.

"No matter what?"

"No matter what."

Harry kissed his bruises lips softly. He found a cut on his chin and kissed it. Then the bruises on his neck. Louis could barely feel Harry's soft lips, but his body was so sensitive that it felt like Harry's touch weighed a hundred pounds.

Harry continue to litter kisses across Louis' chest so lightly that it almost tickled. Louis watched every time Harrys lips made contact with his skin.

Harry's hands undid the button on Louis' jeans and he circled his thumbs soothingly over his hips. He undid the zipper and gently started to tug down Louis jeans. Louis hissed when they were pulled over a bruise on his hip he didn't notice he had.

Harry noticed and checked to see where Louis was hurting. He pulled down Louis' briefs to join his pants and check one hip then the other. He found the good size bruise on his right hip and kissed it too.

Harry went over and turned off the water. Louis stepped slowly to the edge of the tub. Harry held Louis steady while he lowered down into the warm water.

Once Louis was settled back he closed his eyes and laid his head back. He could feel the burn against his sore muscles, but it felt so good.

Harry watched him for a minute to make sure he was alright and then said, "Are you hungry? I can go make something. I mean it's late but if your hungry I'll cook."

"Get in."


"Take off your clothes and get in this bath with me," Louis said without opening his eyes.

Harry looked to the door, to Louis, down to himself and then decided why not. He quickly threw all his clothes over by the counter and then asked, "Can you lean up so you can lay back on me?"

Louis nodded and pulled himself up by the edges on the tub. Harry held him and slid in behind him. Louis fell back grateful on Harry's chest and let his head lull to the side, closing his eyes again.

Harry wrapped his hands loosely around Louis' chest and rubbed his thumbs on his skin. Louis hummed contentedly.

"I love you," he mumbled. Apparently once Louis said those three words he'd never be able to stop saying them. At least not to Harry.

"I love you more."

"No you don't," he retorted stubbornly.

"I'll prove you wrong, Lou," Harry spoke into his hair, "However long it takes." Louis laughed.

They stayed like that, cuddled together, easing Louis' physical wounds, and Harry's emotional ones, until their skin got pruney and the water turned cold.

Harry got out and helped Louis out. He got them both towels and dried Louis off, making sure to he gentle with his back and hip. Harry went ahead to Louis' room to pick out clothes while Louis followed slowly behind.

He sat on the bed and allowed Harry to maneuver him how he pleased. Once he was dressed he went to where Harry pulled back the covers and slipped in. He didn't even let Harry get dressed himself, instead he pulled him down and wrapped his arms around him.

They laid there, Harry's back to Louis' chest, arms tight around him, until Louis fell asleep. Harry waited until he heard the soft snores that let him know Louis was comfortably dreaming. He slowly let Louis' arm fall off him as he scooted out from under the covers and stood up.

Quickly putting his clothes back on, he grabbed Louis' keys. He borrow Louis' jacket and pulled the hood up to cover his wet hair.

Harry gave one last look back towards the bedroom where his sore, tired, perfect boyfriend laid asleep before silently opening the door and leaving.

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