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"Oh, this is just all kinds of wrong..." Caroline said to herself as she turned the key inside of her car and narrowed her eyes, further clenching her teeth together as the entire scene unfolded slowly in front of her baby-blue eyes.

Klaus was dropping off his two siblings at her school.

Ever since that night in the woods when they were all forced to join forces to defeat Esther that things had shifted completely, now the gang was forced to share the same town with the remaining four Original siblings who decided to stay around waiting for the matriarch to return and finish what she started.

Which would be fine with Caroline if it wasn't for the small detail that her best friend Bonnie was also a target of the old wench after helping Klaus during the confrontation.

It was like suddenly everyone was under siege and that's exactly what brought Caroline back to the almost sweet image, the big brother was worried about Rebekah and Kol so he was dropping and picking them off as often as he could.

Caroline took a deep breath and got out of her car, she slammed the door a little too harshly as she tried to ignore the dirty-blond haired man at the wheel, she would not let him get to her, not today, she assured herself as she lifted her head high, shook her soft curls and strutted towards the front gate without giving him the satisfaction of crossing stares with him.

Klaus smiled and shook his head a little, did she really believe that he didn't catch every side-look that she so desperately tried not to cast his way?

"Thank you for another pleasant car journey Nik, don't forget that I have cheerleader practice today." Rebekah said with a smile.

It brought his attention closer to the car but Klaus merely motioned a hand at her knowing that Kol was about to shoot one of his remarks.

"Yes... thank you greatly for dropping us at school every morning like we were five." Kol scoffed.

"Try not to kill anyone today, baby brother." Klaus said and drove away immediately while leaving his characteristic smile behind.

Kol pushed the cool black shades closer to his eyes in a desperate attempt to shield from all these idiotic humans, the fact that they were all breathing so closely to him left him enervated, there should a safety distance of at least a country between him and the teenager population of Depressing Falls.

"You know Kol... you could try to be nice to Nik sometimes. He keeps making all of these grand sacrifices for us and all you do is scold him and lash out like the little brat that everyone assumes I am."

Kol stood before the stairs looking at his sister who was waving at some random girls that walked by them thankfully without stopping. "Are you serious?"

He asked her with a cocked eyebrow that she could see peeking from above the rim of his sunglasses and Rebekah's smile faded a bit. "Why are you always so negative? You either act like you are on drugs the entire time or bark on Nik's heels like you are expecting him to dagger you on purpose."

Kol closed his eyes and tried to organize some sort of speech inside of his mind. "I am stuck in bloody high-school in bloody Mystic Falls. I am not the slightestinterested in any of these pathetic little lives that you so desperately want to befriend. I am not you Rebekah, and I am most definitely not a bloody teenager! And I would really appreciate if the two of you would stop treating me like one." He hissed the last words as he pointed angrily at the ground.

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "You are such a drama queen Kol!" She started to walk away.

He pressed his lips upset. "And you're too old to wear a cheerleader skirt."

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