Forging plans and relationships

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Klaus poured himself a drink and gave Kol a side look as his brother came inside of the library only to walk out just as quickly, he shrugged and took a sip from his really expensive drink frowning when Kol returned inside yet and stood there just looking at him.

"Can I help you with anything Kol?"

"Bonnie and I kissed." he bluntly informed.

Klaus pursed his lips and waited for the rest, when nothing was added he just said. "I know, Caroline told me that the two of you were making out in my room while she was dead." he scolded Kol.

He threw his hands in the air. "That also happened but I was referring to last night in my room."

Klaus narrowed his eyes. "I'm not sure where this is going."

Kol huffed. "I need a drink."

Klaus expected the talk to be kind of be done when Kol left his side to sit on the sofa, Kol wasn't much of the talking kind, especially about his feelings and certainly he wouldn't start now with him of all people.

"It was amazing, I can't stop thinking about her."

Klaus looked slowly behind him, there was no one else inside of the room therefore Kol had to be talking to him.

Kol spotted the genuine surprise in Klaus and spread his arms apart. "Can't you be the older brother for ten minutes? I don't have anyone to talk about this."

Klaus nodded solemnly and sat down across him on another sofa.

All right, awkward sibling bonding moment?


"So the first time we kissed it was this huge energy swap thing and then last time it was... intense." Kol gravely had his drink.

Klaus did the same not really sure how he had come to earn Kol's trust with such an issue or any issue now that he was thinking about it. "And this is somewhat messing with you." Klaus said encouraging his brother to go on.

"I have thought about her for a long time now, she's kind of impossible to resist and I blame you for using me in that initial spell as her energy talisman or whatever that was." Kol said upset.

Klaus smirked and took the bottle pouring more beverage into his glass, he offered it to Kol who stood up taking the refill, he then sat on the coffee table and rested his foot casually next to Klaus on the sofa.

"You can't blame me for whatever came to be after that day, I was convinced that she hated you and had a thing for Elijah instead. Never in a million years had I expected for the couple of you to be exchanging saliva or energy any time soon." Klaus defended himself.

"Elijah..." Kol rolled his eyes. "He's going to judge me with those noble eyes of his all the way to hell."

Klaus smiled leaning over and resting his forearms over his knees and looking at Kol. "He will understand, after all it was Bonnie's choice, was it not?"

Kol huffed appalled. "Of course it was Nik, I didn't force her into anything, I'm not a complete idiot you know?"

"Then Elijah will respect your involvement with Bonnie. Probably." Klaus said with a huge smile before drinking again.

"Thank you very much Nik, your support is overwhelming." Kol finished his drink.

"Do you genuinely feel something for Bonnie, Kol?" Klaus asked more serious now.

Kol played with the glass in his hand but looked at his big brother committed. "I love her." he admitted for the first time out loud.

Klaus received the news with a deep breath. "She's Caroline's best friend and you are my brother, if this goes wrong in any way..."

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