Fighting rituals

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Bonnie made sure that there no one was in the hallway as she closed the door of the library in the Mikaelson mansion, she faced Elijah who still looked very intrigued as to why Bonnie had summoned him in such a hurry, she smiled nervously and reached for a black book that she kept with the ones that she already brought from her house and that now lived among the rare and immense collection that Klaus gathered along the years.

A sigh came out as she sat at the sofa and looked for the page that she wanted, the entire time Elijah stood with his hands inside of the pockets of his very expensive suit.

She looked up from the book. "Can you sit down, you are making me uncomfortable."

Elijah smiled and unexpectedly sat closely next to her, instead of taking his usual place across her. "What are we doing here? In secret?" Elijah whispered.

She couldn't help but smile at his joking tone. "We had a really harsh encounter with Elena and she said some things to Caroline that clicked inside of my head. There was something that the Oracle from Hell told me back in New Orleans and that just popped up when Elena was talking."

"The lovely Elena is not accepting lightly Caroline's new life choices, I take it."

Bonnie looked at Elijah recalling the difficult encounter in the town square. "I kind of expected her to support Caroline... she has always been so understanding and aware of everyone's feelings that I sort of took for granted that she would do the same for her."

"Elena has been the aim of many traumatic events throughout the course of a year, that always takes its toll on someone. It was bound to happen due to all the supernatural happenings unfolding around her, something would finally be her breaking point. As I see it she's reflecting on Caroline all those things that people usually don't accept at all and that she has been handling and forced to live with for the past year."

"She's always been so strong and I know that she has a lot on her plate, any other normal person would have snapped a long time ago." Bonnie admitted.

"She will come around, I'm sure." Elijah said calmly.

"I hope so..." Bonnie returned to the book in her hands.

Elijah recognized the urgency in her manners and the way that she was trying to hide her concern and he knew that it was more than just the tension between her friends. "What's the matter Bonnie?" he asked leaning over so that he could see into the book as well.

Bonnie finally found the page that she was searching for and took in a deep breath, she didn't have to read the entire page, she recognized the lines that were in her head since Elena's words and turned the book to Elijah so that he could read them himself. "You heard what the woman in New Orleans told me, didn't you?" she asked him.

Elijah nodded. "Yes."

Bonnie smiled. "I thought so, you and your vampire super listening capacities..." When he smiled she recognized the malice in it and she wondered who had passed the specific gene to all of them, sometimes it seemed every single one of them smiled the exact same way.

"Which part are we talking about exactly?" he brought his eyebrows together.

Bonnie clasped her lips, of course that he wouldn't let that one slide but she was straight to the point. "She kept talking about the beginning and the origin of everything and I didn't relate to it at the time. She said something like... if we ended the beginning of everything it would end everything that we know and I think I know now what she was talking about. Elijah... what if everything we know actually comes from you and your family? You are the original vampires and all the others come from you and..." she inhaled so that she could bring herself to finish it. "... if any of you gets killed, it might actually kill all that was created from you."

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