Girls' Night Out

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I'll take you home if you don't leave me at the front door

Your body's cold, but girl we're getting so warm

And I was thinking of ways that I could get inside

The music was really loud and Bonnie walked inside of The Grill trying to find the girls among the huge crowd that filled the Pub tonight, she smiled at some familiar faces but opened up into a grin when she spotted the two blondes dancing near the pool tables.

She maneuvered herself through the other dancing kids on the crowded dance floor and laughed because Caroline and Rebekah were really lost in the music, they were shaking their hips to the song and singing along, they really looked happy and that made Bonnie happy, she needed joy and happiness in her life for once, she was getting tired of all the gloom and bad luck that always seemed to follow her.

Bonnie noticed the guys standing near one of the pool tables, they seemed hypnotized by her friends and it made her giggle, they were lost in smiles and nods towards the girls who had fun oblivious to everyone surrounding them.

"Bonnie!" Caroline yelled opening her arms as soon as she saw her.

It made Bonnie feel all fuzzy inside, nothing hit harder than a wave of Caroline joy. "Hey..." She said with a big smile and answered Caroline's big hug, sometimes Caroline forgot that she wasn't a vampire but it sure felt good to be hugged with love.

"You're back!" Rebekah said and hugged Bonnie as well.

The greeting felt a lot less awkward than Bonnie expected and she enjoyed the warm welcome from the blondes.

"How was your trip?" Caroline asked with a giant smile.

Bonnie laughed. "It was a nightmare but I danced with Elijah."

Rebekah spilled her drink, nearly showering Caroline with Vodka. "You did what?"

Bonnie opened her arms laughing. "That was my exact reaction but he's really good at it."

Rebekah cleaned her chin. "First Nik isn't gay or a virgin, Kol has feelings and now Elijah dances? My brothers are full of surprises."

"Well the trip was a fiasco, we didn't find anything. I'm sorry Care..." she said feeling her usual gloominess kicking in.

Caroline shook her head. "No, no and no. Tonight you aren't a witch, Rebekah isn't a vampire and I'm not avoiding Elena. Tonight we are just three good friends hanging out and having a drink." she said determined.

Bonnie shared a look with Rebekah.

The later took a glass from their table and filled it handing it to Bonnie next. "She's right, tonight we are just three good friends drinking and dancing, celebrating my man's victory on the game tonight." she said proudly.

Bonnie found it adorable and felt slightly jealous of where Rebekah and Matt found themselves as a couple, or even Caroline for that matter, you'd have to be blind to miss how good Klaus was to her, the man treated her like a queen for Christ sake and she was happy for them, she was, she just... wished that it was her someday.

Bonnie shook her head and took the glass, they were right, tonight she would have fun, God damn it, if she could survive being killed by vampires in some narrowed back alley she was capable of putting everything to the side and actually have fun. "No deals, no spells, no fighting, tonight we are just Bonnie, Rebekah and Caroline having fun." she said determined.

The others joined her in a toast and danced as the set of songs kept changing and for the first time in a long time, Bonnie actually had fun.

Rebekah tapped her fingers on the counter, she was enjoying this so much, it was her official first girls' night out, well one that included more than just her and Caroline getting to the bottom of a couple of Tequila bottles, she waited for her turn to ask for another bottle of Vodka with a smile, having friends was nice, spending time with just girls was nice, she had spent so long with just Klaus that this was a breath of fresh air.

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