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A ravenous big wolf appeared before her eyes, he was covered in a beautiful dark brown fur but he was still her Nik, she could see it in his eyes and when he came closer to her baring his teeth ready to rip her apart she couldn't bring herself to feel fear or panic, instead she knelt as he kept nearing her dangerously. "It's me Nik, it's Caroline..." she softly spoke to him.

The wolf snarled at her and paced around slowly, he was sizing the prey.

Without fear she sat on the ground waiting for his next move.

He eyed her intensely before coming even closer to her, he sniffed her and it was then that he shook his head with a howl, he recognized her scent so his teeth recoiled and he stepped back sitting on the ground and resting his head over his paws.

Caroline moved to touch him, she ran her fingers through his soft yet thick fur and he seemed to enjoy that a lot because he released a soft growl as a reaction to it.

"Seriously... you can actually do this." she whispered, wondering if there was anything that Klaus was incapable of pulling off.

Tyler walked closer to Elijah coldly, his family was the reason behind all the supernatural things that were destroying his life and this had to end.

With that in mind he knelt in front of Elijah, raging and hoping that it was Klaus instead who he had lying unconscious waiting for his death but for now his older brother would do.

When Damon, yet again, sighed loudly Jeremy answered with a roll of his eyes. "There isn't a button that I can simply switch, ok? It takes time and I can't force Rose to show up if she's not in the mood for it."

"So you're pretty much useless. That's great!" Damon was deeply annoyed and snapped according to it. "Only that I don't need useless right now, I need to talk to Rose." He insisted.

Jeremy thought of her, he had seen her probably twice or so which only made all of this that harder. "What's your last memory of her?" He prepared to listen to some crappy talk about Damon and Rose being intimate but surprisingly Damon talked about her last hour, how he had compelled her into a dream to find the necessary peace to die and how she had departed calmly after that.

Even Rebekah eyed Damon with a touch of a surprise in her eyes.

As for Jeremy, he was surprised but he couldn't be that perplexed, after all Damon had eased his pain more than once and not many knew about it. "Maybe she'll come to us... I really don't know Damon, I have no idea how this works." He confessed.

"Can you reach Matt?" Rebekah asked quietly from across the room, where she was leaning against the window.

"I can try..." he said connecting to her loss.

Rebekah smiled faintly at the two men looking at her now. "I'd like to say goodbye to him."

"You should consider doing this for a living..." Damon mused. "If the art thing doesn't work out for you in the future."

Jeremy had nothing but a scowl for him.

"You'd make a fortune in Mystic Falls alone." Rebekah added somewhat easy.

"You're both acting like this is something easy to do... like all I have to do is close my eyes and the dead will appear before me..." Jeremy rested his elbows on his knees and shook his head. "I still can't believe that you think that Elena is possessed or something..."

"She's not Elena." Damon reinforced. "That... person is not her. I know Elena and I don't see her when I look at that girl. Her eyes are different, everything about her is different."

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