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"... I also have chocolate for us, brownies and some weird stuff that was left in the fridge..." Caroline made a disgusted face. "We should probably leave this one out." she wrinkled her nose.

Bonnie looked down on her bed filled with every possible late night snack that she could think off, she looked back at Caroline that gave her a shrug.

"Blame them for having so much stuff around, everything is a temptation." she waved the expensive ice cream with a stern face. "Italian ice cream? Seriously?"

"I feel like we are living with a bunch of kids sometimes but it's weird that they actually buy all this for us, because I don't see Klaus eating chocolate chip cookies." Bonnie said opening while opening a bag.

"What's really weird is that I don't know who does the shopping around here, like... stuff just appears and I don't know who does it." Caroline said relishing in the ridiculously amazing Vanilla ice cream.

Bonnie thought about it for a second as well and the two friends seemed to squint at the same time, now that was a thought and they started laughing because now they were stuck with the image of Klaus strolling down a supermarket row with a really long list and ranting because they were out of pickles.

"So..." Caroline said taking charge of the conversation and not postponing her true motives. "Are you going to tell me what's going on with you and why do I have a very worried Kol on my hands and Elijah storming away like he is going after the devil itself?"

Bonnie looked down on her lap.

"And don't say that you have no idea what I'm talking about." Caroline pressed.

"I don't know why Elijah left and Kol is just jealous because he saw me dancing with his brother."

"I get the jealous thingy but you are hiding something from me, I know you Bonnie Bennett."

"I'm not... Kol is imagining things." Bonnie said eating a cookie.

"Why would he? One thing I learned from all this thing with Esther is that we shouldn't hide things, especially when it comes to our safety. Are you hiding something from me Bonnie?"

"No." Bonnie said determined.


"I am not hiding anything. This thing between Kol and Elijah has to do with the mess we created ourselves, Kol and I have something that I can't fully explain but still I thought that we had everything sorted out, then came Elijah and I thought that he was going to kiss me and I got all confused and I can't lie, it messed with me big time."

"What's the deal with you and the second half of the Mikaelson brothers?" Caroline asked admitting that she was losing stage one of her battle, Bonnie was only talking about what she wanted.

Bonnie finished her cookie slowly. "I don't know..."

Caroline gave her a look and added chocolate to her ice cream treat. "You don't know which one you like the most or you don't know how to admit to yourself that you have fallen completely head over heels for both?"

Bonnie had a sip from her soda. "I don't know what to tell you..."

Caroline raised her perfect eyebrow.

Bonnie sighed deeply this time. "Fine... I think that I'm... that I... somehow... fell for Kol."

Caroline smiled putting her ice cream away so that she could focus totally on her friend. "And Elijah?"

Bonnie seemed to struggle with words again. "He's... Elijah... you know?"

Caroline shook her head softly. "No, I don't know Bonnie. I know that he's amazing but they all are, in their own unique way. I know that no one from this family is what others think they are..."

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