Come back to me

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Bonnie looked at Caroline while they walked by the lavish fountain in the Mikaelson driveway. "I still think that I should've come alone." she whispered.

Caroline shook her perfect blond waves. "Absolutely not. One thing is to meet at the old Witch House where they have your back, another is to come to the devil's lair alone and expect me to stay home watching Dancing with the Stars."

Bonnie giggled. "You really like that show."

Caroline flashed her amazing smile. "Guilty as charge. I love dancing!"

"Well truth be told, this place is a lot scarier than the old Witch House, this is huge." Bonnie said stopping by the majestic door in front of them.

"Klaus doesn't do anything small." Caroline said looking around.

Bonnie smiled. "Are you sure that you are here for me? Or are you just here to see him?" she asked while knocking on the door amused with the way that Caroline seemed to struggle with a good comeback.

"Shut up..." was the best that she came up with.

The door opened and Caroline almost expected for some very old man called Alfred to show up before her eyes, instead the image of the smiling young sibling from hell was as unsettling to her as it was to Bonnie who rolled her eyes when Kol greeted them.

"Well well, if it isn't Harry Potter and her sidekick."

"Harry Potter is a guy and I know exactly where you can stick his magic wand." Bonnie shot back.

Caroline suppressed a laughter by biting her lip.

"Uh... harsh witchy!" Kol answered, pretending to be offended.

"I'm here to see Klaus." Bonnie said moving past him and making her way into the house.

Kol laughed and moved a little so that Caroline could come inside as well. "Shouldn't you be nice to me? This is my home and it's rude to insult the owner of the manor."

Bonnie laughed and crossed her arms calmly. "I'm the guest and you insulted me first. That's rude too, you know? Besides the house belongs to Klaus."

Kol shrugged and then spoke loudly. "Baby vampire and the wicked witch are here."

Bonnie scolded him. "Shouldn't you be out chasing some poor girl from the volleyball team? Some tall, blonde brainless bimbo? No offense Care." she said without looking at Caroline.

"None taken." Caroline said as she felt the awkward tension between her friend and Kol.

Kol lifted his finger as he left the room laughing. "I should start paying more attention at school Bonnie Bennett, I do fancy the ones with sharp tongues and looks to kill."

Bonnie opened her mouth to answer him but he was gone before she could say anything, well, actually he would still listen to her but she didn't really know what to say.

"So... what was that?" Caroline whispered.

"I... don't know." Bonnie answered her friend a little confused herself.

"Good evening ladies."

A deep calm voice echoed inside of the room and they both turned to face the owner of such wonderful voice.

"Elijah!" Bonnie said visibly happy to see him.

"Miss Bennett, Miss Forbes." He said politely with a small bow of his head.

The two girls felt a little swoon, there was definitely something to say about Elijah's old fashioned manners.

"When did you get back?" Bonnie asked.

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