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Bonnie finished packing her messenger bag with the little pouch containing the samples of blood from Elijah, Rebekah and Kol, she did it with a bit of a shaky hand but all the while she kept in mind that she could do this, this was the easy part like Kol kept saying so when Klaus entered the room with his annoying swagger of confidence she handed him an empty vial determined. "I am missing one type of blood."

"You also need Finn's." He corrected her.

"Where is our lovable older brother anyway?" Rebekah asked whilst dropping a huge green bag on the table.

"He's on his way..." Klaus replied curious about the bag, whatever was inside was heavy judging by the thud it made when it hit the wooden surface.

"Are they wheeling his coffin?" Kol asked as he came inside of the room with a bag of his own. "Because there are an awful lot of stairs on the way here." He looked at Bonnie and smiled warmly at her.

Bonnie smiled back, she was more comfortable around him now that they spent weeks working together but still not enough to maintain eye-contact so she looked down and placed a streak of her long dark hair behind her ear trying to keep her hands and eyes occupied.

"Finn is on his way willingly... I'm sorry, are you all going on vacation somewhere and I haven't been informed about the joyful excursion?" Klaus asked a little lost and steering his eyes towards the entry.

It was Elijah's turn to enter the room with a small squared box that he handed Bonnie as they exchanged smiles. "As you've requested." He said is his usual almost formal tone.

"Thank you Elijah." She opened the box to retrieve a small bottle from inside of it, and as soon as she opened the bottle everyone in the room made a disgusted face.

"Ugh..." Rebekah covered her nose. "What is that wretched thing?"

Bonnie chuckled. "Vampires have Vervain, werewolves have Wolfsbane and us witches have... this." She felt all eight eyes on her and looked back at them. "Whenever I connected to Ayanna she kept thinking of this yellow plant, I thought that it was weird how obsessed she was with it so I described it to Elijah and he did some research for me." She looked at him.

"It came to my knowledge that Buttercup, although with a seemingly innocent appearance is deadly for witches. It was quite popular in Salem during the trials, they would use it to flag out the witches because there's something toxic and supernatural about its composition that when it contact with the skin of a witch produces a burning wound."

Klaus was impressed as he held the bottle. "Did they turn it into a venom?"

Elijah nodded. "Yes and a very rare one, you're holding what's left of the Salem lot."

"And what are you planing on doing with it?" Klaus asked the gathering.

Kol opened his bag to pick up a handful of wooden arrows. "Hurt mommy dearest." He said with a smirk.

Klaus narrowed his eyes and looked at Rebekah who opened her bag to remove the huge crossbow from inside. "And then kill her."

Klaus was surprised, his mouth went open showing exactly how much.

Rebekah smiled. "You didn't really reckon that we would let you march into battle alone, did you?"

"You speak of battles but we are merely going to break a spell." Klaus quickly responded gaining his usual coolness but looking at Bonnie with accusing eyes.

"Don't blame Clyde." Kol strangely felt the idiotic need to defend Bonnie. "She just gave in when Rebekah cornered her with fangs, demanding to know your real plans."

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