Dark Truth

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While Klaus picked up his shirt from the floor Caroline admired the hotness that was her man, she gave him a mischievous look as he covered his amazing back now covered in red lines made from her nails.

When he turned he caught her lustful look and with a smirk he leaned over to kiss her, without much hurry but with an incredible will to press her lips one more time while cradling her heated cheek against the palm of his hand, if he could he was going to take that heat away with him and think of her every second that he was away.

Caroline sweetly moaned against his lips. "Is it too sick to wish that we could do this all over again in our bedroom?" she gave him perfect bedroom-eyes. "Right now?"

Klaus glided his thumb across her cheek. "No and I wish that I could indulge but I really should leave this room before I give in, yet again." he reminded her that what was started with only a kiss ended up being two passionate rounds on top of a desk.

She stroked his scruff slowly with an adorable sulk.

Klaus heavily sighed. "Caroline, I have to go..."

"Ok..." she whispered and smiled innocently while batting her long eyelashes a few flawless times.

"Really Caroline?" he grunted.

She kissed him languorously on his lips. "If you really have to go..."

Klaus groaned before kissing her again deeply, she answered happy with fingers that were lost in is curls and they only broke the kiss because Caroline was cunningly wrapping her legs around his waist.

"We should talk about the guest in our quarters." He spoke up.

Caroline was annoyed on the spot. "You really know how to ruin a moment."

Klaus enchantingly smiled. "I'll make it up to you later on but for now we have matters to discuss."

"Who's the mystery guest?" she asked with a squint.

"Tyler Lockwood." He replied.

Caroline grimaced, her moment was definitely over.

Stefan wasn't happy with the show, he just walked in on Damon coming down the stairs with some random girl, by the scarf wrapped around her neck he could tell that Damon had also fed from her and he couldn't choose which troubled him more.

True to himself Damon said goodbye to his fleeting company with a sassy smile and after walking her to the door he turned to face Stefan with a raising finger in the air. "Your judgement is unwelcome and unnecessary, I'm bringing back the good old days." He closed the door with a flick of his hand.

"You are my brother and I will always care about you, no matter how much you fall off the wagon."

"I wouldn't waste my time with wagons Stef..." By the bar Damon grabbed a bottle. "There is nothing left in this town for me."

"Are you really leaving?" Katherine asked as she walked in.

They both looked at her at the same time, she looked surprised, sad even.

"You can all bring in the fireworks because I'm finally going away." Damon answered.

"I will miss you Damon..." she said in an honest voice.

Damon raised his empty glass at her before heading to the front door. "I can't wait to get away from you." He left without looking back.

"Are you going to leave as well?" she asked Stefan after she was alone with him.

Stefan rested against the back of his sofa lost in a million thoughts. "He's right you know... with Elena gone, there's really nothing left for us here."

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