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Caroline was humming some silly giddy tune in her head, she was getting ready in front of the full-sized mirror in Klaus' room, her room... their room?

She sighed still trying to figure out which sounded better, not that she hadn't already made her way and slightly soothed his room into something more in her lane, there were tiny hints of her scattered everywhere but still... she hadn't fully accepted the new status inside of her head.

She wrapped the cool summer scarf around her neck and moved the locks of hair from underneath it, letting it fall smoothly and slowly as she spotted Klaus coming inside, she smiled lazily at him and rested against his strong embrace when he approached her.

He kissed her cheek languorously. "Hello love."

Caroline watched him through the mirror and returned his smile, she moved to kiss him and expected to taste the copper taste that blood usually left in his mouth, he had been out all morning and she assumed that he had been out hunting and feeding.

There was very little that they didn't share or spoke about but Klaus had always been keen on protecting her and this was one of the things he never openly spoke about with her, she genuinely appreciated that he never once put her in the position where she would have to actually handle the fact that he and his family still hunted the old way.

They hadn't killed anyone in a very long time, of that she was sure, there hadn't been any animal attacks recently and as long as all this stayed behind that door that Klaus so well guarded from her she could handle it, at least for now.

However this morning Caroline didn't taste blood at all and this actually made her smile, she cupped his face with one hand and kissed him a little longer than she first intended, she trailed her fingertips across his scruff and remained leaning against his chest when they broke the kiss.

Klaus kept his hands around her waist as well and for a while it seemed like neither had the will to move.

Until Caroline broke her own rules, she wasn't the clingy type at all but she was curious. "Where have you been?"

Klaus smiled and cupped her chin, he stroked it gently and kissed her again. "Out." he said against her soft lips.

Caroline licked her lips. "Okay." she said trying to sound totally cool with the lack of information.

With a notch of malice Klaus smiled, he removed one hand from her waist and reached inside of the pocket of his black coat.

She gulped down when he brought a simple red box before her eyes and shaking she accepted the box as he gracefully placed it upon her open hand. "Nik... what have you done this time?" she whispered with a tight jaw as her voice seemed to fail her.

Klaus chuckled and simply shrugged. "I've acquired a gift for my girl." he said absolutely delighted with her reaction.

Caroline recognized the box from all of those afternoons that she spent online, imagining that someone one day would give her something from the most famous diamonds store in the world but far from imagining that it would be frigging Klaus Mikaelson.

She drawled in the much-needed air and opened the box, there was a harsh gasp as she saw the exquisite ring inside, she was in awe of the rather large pave ring, there were three rows of pink diamonds surrounding the wide band that sparkled before her eyes and she smiled nervously now.

"I take it that you approve of the gift?" he asked softly pulling her away from the intense eye-sex that she was engaging with the flawless ring.

Caroline laughed fretfully. "This is pink diamond. It's ridiculously rare and expensive Klaus. Yes, I know that much about my diamonds."

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