My Queen

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Caroline moaned sleepily as she felt his stubble tickle her cheek, she felt his perfect soft lips kissing her and she opened one eye lazily. "Do you ever sleep Nik?" she grunted still half-asleep, noticing that he was already dressed to leave.

Klaus smiled and took in the ethereal image of Caroline entangled in their sheets, her amazing hair was stretched over the pillow while she took over more than half of the bed, somehow Caroline always ended up sleeping in the middle of the bed, every single night she claimed a lot of space just for her. "I sleep enough sweetheart." he said softly.

Caroline laughed against his pillow. "One day you are going to learn how to actually relax and sleep. I long for the day when I will wake up and catch you drooling over your pillow."

"You mean the one that you steal every chance that you get? And how am I supposed to relax when you take over the entire bed just for yourself sweetheart?"

Caroline laughed louder now and opened both eyes. "If the sleeping arrangements aren't soothing you Master Mikaelson I can always move in to one of the guest bedrooms."

"I'm not complaining, it's not a problem to have you sleeping that close to me." he was wicked in his smile.

Caroline was nothing but warm with hers. "Which means that you love every second of it." His smile changed and he looked somewhat disconcerted, which was very rare and it only made Caroline laugh, he looked adorable when he made his don't be silly face.

"I have to leave now and I will be out all day." he said a little more serious now.

Caroline sighed. "Ok, I will see you tonight then. I'll be waiting in the middle of the bed." she wiggled her eyebrows silly.

Klaus chuckled and bent down to kiss her lips softly but not lingering there, Caroline frowned and quickly grabbed his head pulling him down to her again, he was going to be away all day and she wanted a proper kiss.

She kissed him thoroughly and not leaving much out, Klaus rested his palm on the mattress and cupped her face raising her a little from the bed, he wasn't going to let her do all the hard work, not at all.

She moaned into his mouth enjoying the powerful way that he now kissed her and she licked her lips when he was over. "You can go now." she whispered, giggling as he rolled his eyes on her.

Once he was gone she sighed burying her face in his pillow, it was not her fault that his bed was so comfortable yet ridiculously big, she just needed his heat and that's why she searched the middle of the bed every night, that and the fact that she just had the constant need to feel him.

She took in his amazing scent and closed her eyes trying to go back to sleep but as soon as she started drifting away someone jumped on the mattress next to her, waking her up in a much more cruel way than Klaus did.

She groaned when Rebekah shook her.

"Are you awake?"

"Seriously? What are you, 12?" she mumbled without opening her eyes.

"I have something to tell you." Rebekah said vividly.

"So tell me..." she replied without moving.

Rebekah exasperated with a big dramatic sigh. "I need your attention for this."

Caroline reluctantly left his pillow and sat straight. "You have my sleepy attention."

"Matt took me ice-skating last night." Rebekah said so excited that her very eyes were glowing.

"That's the reason you woke me up?" Caroline raised an eyebrow.

Rebekah pouted immediately. "It's important."

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