Prom Night

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Caroline knocked on Rebekah's door with a giant grin, Rebekah was stretching out her dress on the bed and making sure that there wasn't a single wrinkle in it.

Rebekah's steering look landed on Caroline. "You look dashing, has Nik seen you yet?"

Caroline huffed. "Your brother is out bonding with Kol and Elijah." she answered annoyed.

Rebekah laughed. "Ah the dreaded word!"

Caroline shrugged. "But I'm happy that they are getting along without any major drama, we can use the normality in our lives for once." she stressed.

"Don't get ahead of yourself just yet, it's only been a week since everything happened and tonight is Prom Night so we probably will be battling and facing death on many occasions throughout the evening."

Caroline pouted. "Don't be so negative B."

Rebekah laughed and pointed at herself. "Myself and School dances? It's a certified disaster magnet."

Caroline rolled her eyes while dressing her long black coat that covered the deep-red Roman alike dress that she was wearing, she fixed tonight's choice of a straight hair and spoke determinedly. "You will have your Prom night and it will be perfect."

Rebekah smiled. "I'm really excited but I'm also upset that you didn't let me help organize it all with you."

"This is your first one and as a human on top of it, why would I let you not experience it all with normality? I enjoyed carrying the big boxes and bossing everyone around." Caroline rolled her eyes at the preposterous suggestion. "Just take forever to get ready and blow Matt's mind with your super stunning looks."

Rebekah sighed because she was thankful that Caroline was giving her this chance as well. "Are you leaving already?"

"Yes, I need to keep an eye on things and make sure that they haven't touched up the decoration once again." she sighed deeply and over dramatically. "I will lose it if I find anything just hanging from the ceiling instead of trickling down."

Rebekah laughed loudly. "I pity the fools who dare to do you wrong when it comes to the decoration of a festivity."

Caroline tilted her head smiling. "Me too. Ok, I'm going and I will see you in a few hours Cinderella."

Rebekah huffed. "As if..."

"Magical night, magical boyfriend... Prom night... it's tradition Bekah to have the fairytale night." Caroline teased her.

Rebekah smiled nervously, she touched her hair that was up in an intricate bun and blushed, for a moment she forgot that she was human and that Caroline was listening to her unsteady heart and watching closely how blushing she was.

"Oh..." Caroline murmured.

"Matt and I... you're aware... not yet since I became human." she said feeling terribly shy.

"Awww..." Caroline let out with her head to the side. "That's just so romantic. It will be a first then... ish."

Rebekah closed her eyes and buried her face in her hands. "Oh I feel silly C."

Caroline hugged Rebekah tight. "All that, is what makes this entire human experience so good Bekah."

"I know but it's still hard to know how to react to all of these new things... I was kind of really naive when I was turned and from then on things just got really extreme, real fast and I just had to adapt to everything. Now I have to adapt being human all over again." Rebekah said against her friend's shoulder.

Caroline pulled away a little and smiled warmly at Rebekah. "You are not alone in this and being nervous, confused, or being excited and making a lot of mistakes is what will make it all the more amazing. You are allowed to be shy, to freak out about things and to be vulnerable now. You are human."

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