I lost you

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Bonnie was shaking as she walked towards the Mikaelson cellar, just like everyone in this town Klaus had kept the original quarters, sometimes she hated the constant reminder that this was once a typical South town although she knew the exact reason everyone had kept the dungeon-like places, they existed to keep bad things in or in some cases out.

Which was another pleasant reminder that every family in this town had a monstrous secret to hide, she looked through the small gate on the door and saw her mother standing against the wall, she had her arms around herself trying to shield from the cold and Bonnie went back to the thought that that particular monster was the one who gave her life.

Bonnie unlocked the door nervous and stepped inside, Abby looked at her with nothing but despise which made her ever more certain of what she was about to do.

"Did you come to say goodbye?" Abby asked expecting one of the others to follow Bonnie inside.

Bonnie tried to keep her eyes on Abby. "That would have been a lot more than you ever did for me."

"I had my reasons to leave Bonnie." she simply said, relaxing when she realized that Bonnie was alone in her quest for answers.

"Yes I know, to protect me or whatever... I really don't know anymore." she replied shrugging.

"I left because I loved you." Abby quietly said.

Bonnie widened her eyes and softly shook her head. "You really are messed up." Abby faced her with such lack of emotion that Bonnie wondered if she had been turned human at all.

"I left to protect you and your friend Elena. I left to trap Mikael inside of that tomb so that you would have a chance of a normal life Bonnie. I left so I could give you a human life, without all the everlasting consequences that come from being a witch."

"Is this the part where I sympathize with your reasons? Because I'm having a really hard time accepting that you not only walked out on me the first time, you also chose to run away the second time around without even speaking to me. I deserved at least that, you were supposed to be there for me, I wanted you to be... a mother." She dropped her voice.

"I was one in my own way and I was justified in all that I did." Abby showed a hint of emotion for the first time.

"You teamed up with Esther and you killed Caroline." Bonnie said astonished at the seemingly cool tone of her mother.

"She made her own bed when she chose Klaus." Abby said shutting down her emotions again.

"Would you have killed me as well? If I had chosen one of them?" Bonnie asked still hopping to connect to her estranged parent somehow.

Tiny hints of emotion crossed her face now. "Haven't you already?"

"You are so set on destroying the only family I ever had." Bonnie deflected.

Abby shook her head fiercely. "They are evil. They represent the origin of evil itself and you sided with them."

Bonnie cleaned a few tears and added. "I didn't have anyone, Matt and Caroline didn't have anyone, no one was watching our back and you know what? This evil family comes to town and welcomes us into their home, as part of their lives. They kept us safe and stood up for us when no one else did, we found a family with them and I will always side with them. No matter what or who turns out to be an enemy, they will always have my support."

Abby harshly felt every ounce of sorrow that Bonnie was throwing at her. "You are a witch and you are supposed to fight evil, not defend it. We have an obligation to keep balance because we are the last line of defense and you can't choose sides, let alone help the dark forces that our sisters died fighting against."

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