Old Tales

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Caroline stared at the ceiling of her room lost in last night, in Klaus and his mixed signals, one minute he chased after her recklessly like a teenager, the next he was mean, harsh and so closed up that she could feel all the walls around him.

It was like going against the damn Great Wall of China.

She sighed and played with a streak of her hair, even if she did somehow one day in the next century or so, get through to him what was she actually going to do then? She couldn't deny that the man was ridiculously hot.

She closed her eyes remembering the way that his arms felt so strong around her, his back was solid as a rock and God, his chest...

Somehow she always seemed to find herself leaning against it and she had to admit that it felt really good, then she remembered the way that his amazing scruffy stubble tickled her face, she felt heat come over her and before she could tell she was wondering how it might be to kiss him.

To have this scruff scratching her skin.

"Get a grip Caroline..." she huffed and turned on her bed, she hid her face in the pillow trying to ignore the fact that she could still smell him.

There was this characteristic scent to Klaus, it wasn't that he washed in cologne like every kid at her school, he smelled like the woods, like wet dirt after the first rain and somehow that made him irresistible, he smelled like a man should smell and she couldn't ignore the fact that she enjoyed it, she actually loved how he smelled strong and like an... animal.

She felt herself blush tremendously and cursed it immediately, she couldn't let him get to her so much, especially when she was nothing like him, he was the bad wolf from the tale and she was the damn little Red Riding Hood.

Her mind was a mess this morning.

Klaus had a plan, he always had a plan, she couldn't let herself be led like a stupid little girl, she knew better than that.

Her first mistake had happened last night, the fact that it made her heart tightened inside of her chest when she saw him all alone at The Grill looking so miserable shouldn't have meant that she had to go to him, he was doing his game and she was falling right into it like the moron that she was.

She was angry now and left her bed fast as lightning.

She had a plan of her own now, she would find out what he was up to, she would find out and then laugh in his face all victorious about it and he would flash that smile that showed his frigging dimples and she would be strong and not be affected by it at all.

It was a damn good plan and Caroline waited for the afternoon to carry it out, she had been late to school today so there were no exchanging long looks between them, so far so good.

Caroline walked to cheerleader practice with two side-braids and a whole lot of confidence.

There was going to be a big game this weekend so Matt was stuck in practice all afternoon, that meant that she had Rebekah all to herself and she was not going to forfeit on her plan before getting what she came here for.

She rested her bottle of water next to Rebekah's and started stretching, ignoring the side looks that the other blonde was giving her, when she saw Kol leaving the bleachers after one of the volleyball players she saw her opening and swiftly made her move.

"Bonnie says that she might have found something important." she casually told Rebekah without looking at her.

"Is that why she didn't show for practice today?" Rebekah simply asked.

"Yes, that and the fact that Alaric has the afternoon off so they are all meeting to brain storm Chez Salvatore."

Rebekah smiled. "And what are you doing here love? Have they started casting you out?"

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