Bound to you

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"You can't do this." Caroline crossed her arms defiantly.

"Sweetheart..." Klaus merely ventured before she glared.

"Don't Sweetheart me, you can't get out of this with sweethearting me." she snapped with a hiss.

Klaus smiled at how adorable she looked which ultimately only made her even angrier.

"You can't turn Rebekah." she claimed her ground sternly.

"We have to do it in order to protect her." Klaus tried to keep his temper as well.

But Caroline wasn't about to start making his life easier any time soon. "I won't let you do this."

Klaus exhaled loudly. "She's as good as dead while she's human. I will not sit by and continue to watch her be an easy and walking target. I might as well snap her neck myself by allowing this to go on."

Caroline kept her arms crossed. "She doesn't want this, so what makes you and your idiotic brother think that you have earned the right to do this?"

"Kol and I aren't so eager to lose another sibling and I certainly will not lose Rebekah when I can bloody do something about it." he said on the verge of turning over to that known rage of his.

Caroline narrowed her eyes at him. "No."

"Give me one good reason Caroline to why I should even consider this." he asked tilting his head.

"She will be ok because we will protect her, we will keep her safe." Caroline tried to plea to his softer side.

"We can't. Not when she's human, and most certainly can't be everywhere all the time." he said shaking his head.

"You are overreacting and you can't tell what's best for her, you are letting your fear blind you."

"Matt just had his neck snapped in front of her while she wasn't able to do a bloody thing about it and she would have been next if it wasn't for Damon's interference." he shook his head unwavering with his wish to turn her.

"You are wrong and you are also seeing this from the wrong perspective. She just lost her love, she doesn't want to lose her life next so will you stop this crazy talk about changing Rebekah back to a vampire? It makes no sense Klaus." she pulled her shoulders together but kept her arms crossed.

Klaus laughed quietly at her. "Excuse me, who is the Original vampire here? You are telling me how to act when it comes to protecting my sister which is something that I've done my entire life?"

Caroline shot back with a chuckle of her own. "Very well Klaus, you want to take things there? Fine, you are the baddest of them all. What do I know... I'm just 18 years old and yet I know exactly how it feels to be robbed of your will and life."

Klaus licked his lips. "Caroline... one of us needs to compromise and it won't be me."

She unfolded her arms and raised her hands in the air. "If you don't want her to hate you forever you won't do this. You should let her decide how she wants to spend the rest of her life."

"I don't have a choice so she doesn't have a choice." Klaus tried one last time.

"Niklaus, listen to me..." she started softly. "... you will let her decide for her own and you will support her in whatever decision she makes, for once you listen to me when I say that you are not alone anymore. You don't have to make all the hard decisions alone, you don't have to do this because this isn't about you carrying your entire family around to keep them all safe. They are here with you, willing to do anything you ask of them." she came closer to him and rested her hands on his chest speaking gently all the while. "I am here with you and you will not turn Rebekah unless she asks you to, because I'm asking you to give her that option."

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