You said it first

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Bonnie shivered strongly as the presence took over, she let out a gush of cold air and staggered as her body started to be wheeled against her will, this was the hardest part so she kept reminding herself.

"Just push yourself through this, things will be easier shortly after you take control."

When she heard the calm smooth advice she remembered that she wasn't alone, Kol was inside of the circle with her, Bonnie felt his grip on her hands and without resisting she allowed the spirit of the old witch in.

She gulped down as the dark energy took control of her body, she allowed it for now, she had to get used to the feeling of something evil and ancient lurking inside of her memories and her feelings, Bonnie wrinkled her nose as an old spicy smell hit her nose, she felt nauseated now and felt Kol's arms supporting her when her knees started failing her.

She grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and took a deep breath slowly pushing the presence back, by making it less overpowering she slowly regained her control, she could still feel Ayanna inside intrigued as to why she had been awaken.

It was time, Bonnie started the mantra inside of her mind and felt the air inside of the room change, it was blazing hot now and when she opened her eyes it was as if she was scanning the room through someone else's eyes.

They were curious and wanted to take in a lot of information, she looked up at Kol and felt his apprehension, as she turned her head slowly she found Klaus slightly curving his mouth in happiness.

"Now Bonnie." Klaus said.

She felt a different kind of energy rushing through her and used it to push the spirit away, Bonnie gasped while she tried to see with her own eyes and speak, when Ayanna defiantly resisted her she felt overwhelmed with the power that now pushed Kol away from her.

With a fast move Kol held her with her back against his chest whispering into her ear. "Snap out of it Bonnie."

And she did, she closed her eyes focusing and when she opened them again Ayanna was gone, Kol released her and she turned to face him with a small smile. "Thank you." she whispered a little uneasy.

Kol's face turned into a huge smug smile. "We are becoming good at this."

"Yeah, it's only been two weeks or so working on the same spell." she said leaving his arms and touching her neck a little tired.

"Come on grumpy, we are just like Bonnie and Clyde." Kol said laughing.

"You are so silly." She turned to Klaus. "Has he always been like this?"

Klaus was busy with his phone but smiled. "I would hint that that's why he has spent most of his life confined to a coffin."

Kol rolled his eyes. "So, ready for another round Clyde?"

Bonnie laughed while taking his hand. "They do say that practice makes it perfect."

"I'm going to leave the two of you alone." Klaus said heading for the door, once there he glanced back once. "Do try to behave yourselves."

"Our worst scenario is that Clyde over here decides to ravish me while you are gone." Kol said amused.

Bonnie flashed her biggest smile. "Only in your wildest wet dreams Kol."

"Or so you wish Clyde." He teased her but couldn't help an honest smile that she subtlety returned.

Klaus left the library in a hurry, he turned left after the long foyer and smiled widely when he found Caroline trying to decide between turning left or right on the next hallway. "You look lost love." he said as he approached her, feeling that fire when he was around Caroline or whenever he thought of her for that matter.

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