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Caroline was going back and forth in the little patio that existed in the back of the mansion, it was basically a tiny crossroad where she could choose to go over to the garden or to the area where they were keeping Tyler, unable to decided which she was taking she spent her minutes pacing around in circles in that small entrance square.

When Klaus finally came into sight she faced him apprehensive.

"He's on vervain and he won't help us willingly." Klaus informed her serious.

Because Elijah was still inside with Tyler she understood that he was interrogating him and quickly walked away from what she couldn't stop.

"Caroline..." Klaus followed her all the way to the driveway.

She faced him troubled. "I can't do this..."

"And what is that love?" he wasn't happy to see her so restless.

"Elena is dead, Matt was playing against us from the beginning... Tyler is in this as well and to top it all, your sister just turned out to be a witch..." she shook her head. "I feel like everything is slowly spinning out of my control and I can't do a thing about it Nik. All of my friends are either dead or against us..." she motioned her shoulders a bit. "And I'm scared."

Klaus cradled her face with his strong hands and kept his eyes on hers as he spoke. "Why are you afraid?"

"I'm terrified of losing you and I can't shake this feeling. At first I thought that it had to do with Tatia showing up but now it's slowly growing into something else... I took you for granted and I know that I shouldn't have but I did and now I'm just slowly going crazy because I'm scared if something happens to you." she lowered her eyes to the ground.

Klaus smiled. "I'm running out of ways to tell you that they can't touch me sweetheart."

"Can you say it one more time?" She asked with pleading eyes and a sweet smile.

"Regardless of what happens you will always have me Caroline, no other woman has ever mattered like you do and if for some godly reason I'm forced to be away from you... I will always find my way back to you." He assured her.

Caroline closed her eyes when he leaned over to kiss her forehead and wanted to believe him but she just couldn't shake that bad feeling away. "It's not enough to have only your memory Nik. It might have been so months ago but not now, I need you more than I need blood to survive." she admitted to him.

Klaus kissed her on the lips. "Then I'll just have to avoid death."

She punched his chest without much force, she enjoyed the way that he rascally chuckled but enjoyed a lot more the way in which he engaged her for a long kiss.

He ended the kiss with a soft peck. "Perhaps we should sooth those worries by alienating ourselves a bit from everything."

Confused Caroline frowned.

Stefan stared at the ceiling of his bedroom blank of any expression, he was having a hard time processing what just happened, the fact that he was lying in his bed naked while Katherine was in the shower humming some silly song was disturbing but the added fact that they moved from the sofa to the bed and engaged in another mindless hour of raw sex was complicated to digest.

Now that she was no longer in bed with him Stefan was slowly crashing into a hard reality, they had sex.

He closed his eyes angry with himself, he wasn't himself at the moment and this was his way of lashing out and dealing with Elena's death, by having steamy crude and raunchy sex like he never had before, he lost count of how many times he made Katherine shudder but with every round he wanted her more and he hadn't think of Elena once.

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