Old enemies

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Caroline woke up with the sun peeking inside of the room, she silently moaned in that sleepy way when someone doesn't really want to wake up and moved her head a bit, she smiled when she realized that she was resting in the same place where she had fallen asleep last night, using a very solid and amazing chest as a pillow, she quickly realized though that there were a few small changes to the scenery, they were now covered by a soft sheet.

Caroline Forbes had just spent a night with a man, she bit her lip, this was a first, she had never actually slept in the same bed with someone but now that she found herself sleeping on Klaus' chest while entangled in his body and feeling his arms around her it made her ridiculously melt inside, even when Klaus slept he still felt the need to protect.

She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him, an enormous smile took over her as she watched him, he looked so peaceful and she wondered if he would wake up as happy as she did this morning.

She had her perfect first night with him now and it had been worth all the waiting, every single second of it, no one had ever made her feel the way that he did and she wasn't even referring to all of his insanely sexy and hot moves, she felt her chest swell at the intensity of it all, the way that he simply made her feel loved.

"Are you aware that it's very rude to stare?"

The words snapped her away from her inner monologue. "Sorry... I couldn't help it." she whispered.

"You should find something more interesting to look at, sweetheart." Klaus said softly while gazing at her enormous natural beauty.

Caroline giggled because he was silly, he was the only thing that she wanted to look at.

She was so close to him that it was like she had actually melted against him during the night and he watched her not really believing that he had just been intimate with this incredible woman, that she had given herself so purely to him and he was as well incredulous to how much he had given himself to her.

Klaus moved slowly and she found herself lying on her back, he was just inches away from her face and she smiled warmly at him tracing her fingertips along his features, feeling his soft stubble under them.

So this how it felt to wake up next to someone she loved, it felt amazing and she didn't want it to end ever, this was how she wanted to wake up every morning from now on.

"I was expecting you to wake up in the middle of the night and to arrange for a sneaky exit." he whispered honestly.

Caroline outlined his chin, she slowly moved her thumb over his full lips, smiling when she felt him gulp down, oh the things that these lips could do... it was a sin, really.

She looked up to meet his eyes, it hadn't been just last night when they were so lost in each other that things were intense, today with the sun warming their naked bodies through the sheet she could feel the way that he reacted to her touch.

"Never..." she finally answered him.

Klaus lowered his head to kiss her, she moved her hand to caress his neck as he did it passionately, she moaned when his hand moved along the side of her naked body, her leg moved over his caressing him and their kiss deepened.

She moved her hand along his back, smiling into the kiss when she felt the smoothness of it, nothing but the blurry memories of last night proved the way that she really got lost in the moment, she stopped at his lower back and pressed him to her.

Klaus broke the kiss breathlessly and searched for her eyes.

Caroline teased him by pulling his bottom lip with her teeth and smiled when Klaus seemed to falter at it. "I don't think that I have the courage to leave this room, I might have gotten a bit carried away and Kol is going to make my life miserable." she sighed dramatically.

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