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"This is the end of our story b-but I need to know.
Are you sure you want to continue?"


"Heh...determined as always? Well dear reader go ahead, you may read my SOUL's story and prepare yourself a long journey and don't forget to stay determined." Perseverance said bowing her head with her purple hair swaying as her purple hue surrounding her body glowing dim her expression grim her purple hands on her chest summoning her soul out within the purple hands cupping her soul that's floating beating weakly, She looks at her own soul frowning in sadness closing her eyes with distant memories of the other souls that were her fallen sisters that are not longer present overwhelming the purple soul.

"I hope you'll be satisfied." Perseverance said with a frown with a small sad smile as she willingly gave her soul to Y/n—Y/n reaching out their finger tips touching the purple soul everything turns white—


The night is young as the stars twinkle along with the crickets sing while the fireflies glow a golden light illuminating with the forest until all the sudden the fireflies glitch out of existence along with crickets that suddenly stopped singing and remained frozen in time—"WHY ARE YOU DO DOING THIS??"

A human 11 year old girl with messy brown braided hair with tears filling her precious chocolate brown eyes with her mouth open gasping for air as strands of her brown hair fell on her face, her legs shake and ache in pain from all that running doing their best attempt to escape, to find the truth of their so called home only to fail—the girl wore a white and baby blue dress covered in dirt, she wore brown shoes. The woman before her standing in her way, the woman with short grey hair and her cold ocean blue eyes staring down at the child's chocolate brown eyes burning in anger and fear as the woman tighten her hold against the child's wrist as the little one pulled and tried to pushed the woman's hands off her but it was no use her Mother will NEVER let her go.

"You just had to open your eyes didn't you?" The woman said coldly who wore a long dark blue dress with long blue sleeves and dark brown shoes, she narrows her eyebrows her lips remained as a thin line along with her expressionless face, the woman's face was blank, eyes remain cold and dead staring deep within the child who's small shard of a soul that she had left shook in fear while her best friend hid behind the tree his skull sweating feeling his upside down soul beat rapidly in fear for the human girls life, their plan failed feeling anger and fear unable to think, only fearing for the worst the young skeleton monster who's about the same age and height as the human girl her wore a baby blue button down shirt and white pants covered in dirt along with his brown shoes.

The woman's smile widens keeping a tight hold on the human girl glitching out and appeared in front of the skeleton child catching by surprise his sockets widen in horror his purple eyes steaming with purple magic doing the best he can to summon his bone attacks only for the mother to easy dodge is attacks with ease.

"Things could have been so much easier Fresh." Mother hums her voice filled with disappointment along with amusement seeing the skeleton's attempts to hurt her she drags the human girl with force wrapping her arm around her daughter in a choke hold hugging the human girl close with the dirt in front of herself the skeleton child in response immediately stopped his attacks as his soul felt itself drop as his bones shake.

"—if two hadn't kept pushing my limits we wouldn't be here my child but now you just made both of your lives so much harder." Mother said as the girl's body froze as her heart beating rapidly within her chest as her blue shard of a soul shook in horror at the revelation as her Mother smiled sweetly but didn't reach her icy ocean blue eyes as she tightened her hold of her daughters but not enough to choke her. Mother would never hurt any of her children. Not her human child or Monster child.

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