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Kleo had finally recognized me for the first time since I had arrived at Trinity Rowe University. It's not like I had a lot of opportunity to see her, but I still thought it was odd that I recognized her right away, but she had to hear my name to realize she knew me. She was the one who changed everything about herself. I was aware that loads of people changed their appearance over the course of 6 years, but still it was shocking. I was deep in thought when for some reason, I could feel a pair of eyes on me. When I look up, I noticed the eyes belonged to her. It made me feel uncomfortable, so I averted my  gaze and pretended to look at my own nails.

As Professor Lawrenz begins to go a little more in depth about the class and what she expects out of us, I decide to check my MyLife page, again. Not twenty seconds later did a text from Tracey pop up in my phone. We had given each other our numbers just to have it, since it was recommended to be able to communicate with each other.

Tracey: Um, there's some girl staring at you.

I looked at Tracey, and then back at Neki who, amazingly, still had not broken her gaze. Then, I texted Tracey back.

Me: I noticed that. How weird.

Tracey opens the message and shrugged her shoulders.

Tracey: She's staring at you like she knows you.

Me: She must like what she sees.

I texted back, laughing with Tracey when she reads my message.

Forty-five minutes later, Professor Lawrenz dismisses us from her classroom. Tracey and I head out at the same time, giggling about somebody repeatedly making fart sounds. Everyone had been  snickering like the middle school kids we wished we were. On the way out, Neki had moved past us, once again, turning back multiple times to look at me until she was out of our line of sight.

"She is so weird." Tracey quips, before asking me what classes I have later today. I checked my schedule.

It read as follows:

M/W- 12:00-1:00 First Year Seminar- Lawrenz ( Room 309 Xervez Hall)

M/W/F - 2:30-3:30  Honors English 1 - Ramirez (Room 117 Xervez Hall)

T/TH- 10:00-11:30 American Sign Language 1 - Kemp (222 Betts Building)

T/TH - 12:30-2:00 Intro to Art - Bigazo (112 Freedom Yard)

"At 2:30 I have Honors English with Ramirez." I replied.

She nods her head. "Ooh, fancy. Honors. I don't have that class, they put me in Intro to Algebra with.. Morello. Tomorrow I have Sign Language 1 with Kemp."

"At 10?" I asked, referring to my own schedule.


"That's fire, I have that class too. Um, do you have Intro to Art?"

"With Bigazo?"

"Yeah, at 12:30."

She smiles. "Yeah! I don't know why but the stars have aligned to put us in almost every class together."

I chuckled. "I guess I can ask my roommate about all of that, since she's into that shit."

"Oh, Cam's your roommate?"

"Yeah," I said. "How'd you know it was her?"

"Well, yesterday she told everyone she likes that stuff-- but all through the summer, she was going around claiming she could read people's auras."

"I don't know about all that, but I can detect energy too. You don't see me walking around telling everybody." I said, chuckling.

"I like all that shit, but I can't seem to think of any reason that I'd listen to somebody trying to tell me about myself while playing solitaire with tarot cards." she said. We both giggled as we headed to our building. We get to our floor and wave goodbye.

"Hey," I said. "Feel free to bother me whenever you want. I'm just down the hall." I said.

Tracey starts cracking up. "Alright, Gwen. I'll text you later, then."

I opened my door and walked in, and sat my things down. I read my syllabus from class and rolled my eyes. All of this damn work for just three credits? So dumb.

Before I knew it, my rest break had been up. I didn't know how it  passed so quick. I must have fallen asleep for a little bit or something. Luckily, I had been alert at 1:40 and made my way back to the Xervez building. This time, I catch Cam on her way into the classroom.

"Oh, shit." I said. "Honors English.. you?" I said, pretending I didn't think she was smart enough for this class. We both walked in and grabbing a seat. She sits in the seat next to me.

"Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually really into my academics." she said, moving her hair out of her face. Now she was wearing a halfway buttoned up dark purple and black blouse, with a gold necklace on, that said 'Cam'.

"Nah, I bet you are. It's been my experience that some of the most popular people have great grades, contrary to what Lifetime movies will have you believe."

Cam giggled. "What? Popular? Me? Nah." she says.

I leaned over in Cam's ear. "Look to your right. You don't see all them people staring at you? Your milkshake brings all the girls and boys to the yard."

She shoves me away, playfully. "You're so stupid." she says, trying not to laugh. I was right, though. The classroom was situated so that the desks were set up in a circle. This way we could see each other, and a good chunk of the other students looked at Cam on and off. I mean, I understood that the girl was cute. She had a good mix of masculine and feminine energy going on-- most of it being masculine, what with her demeanor and today's clothing choice. She just had a draw to her, even when she was being quiet. What it was, I didn't know. But she seemed to be a person who just demanded everyone's attention. Even mine, though it wasn't in a sexual manner.

"That doesn't mean I'm popular, it just means I'm cute. Cute people aren't always popular. I mean, take yourself for example. Were you popular?"

I cackled. "Me? Please. I had friends who were. I got along with mostly everybody, though."

"You weren't? You're hilarious. And cute, girl! Every school had a super popular, funny, cute person. You sure?"

"Yeah, well. I knew the super popular, funny, cute person." I said, remembering Ti. "And even that brought me more drama than I care to relive."

"Exactly," said Cam. "That's why I don't claim any of this. I'm just known because I look like no one else. At home, it was a complete mess trying to have more than a few friends at a time. I mean, you heard what went on the other day."

I chuckle. "Yeah, I sure did."

Shimmying through the crowd of people at the door,  was some white girl with shades, carrying this ridiculous bag on her forearm. She was on the phone, arguing with somebody. While she was standing directly in front of me while arguing, I took the chance to look at her outfit. It looked like it cost loads of money, but I couldn't tell what it was. A jumper, maybe? All I know is, it was baby pink, and she had on a black vest over it. And she was wearing wedges, which were white-- same as her bag. I guess it was designer. Surely she would make it a point to have an expensive bag on display for no reason. I looked away and tried my hardest to appear uninterested in the conversation, but honestly I was getting my life. If loud people were good for nothing else, they were entertaining as hell. She was yelling at somebody because her card wasn't working. I didn't understand why she would share that information with everyone in earshot of her, but whatever. It wasn't my information being exposed. Why her voice sounded so familiar, I didn't know. I kept trying to remember whose voice it was. When she hung up the phone, she greeted Cam.

"Hi, Cam!" she squealed.

"Hey, Bridget." she responded.


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