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I was so dumbfounded. Angel is a dude? I took a look at him to make sure I was really seeing this. Angel stood to be about 6'4, and was very stocky. He had long, curly black hair that was tied back. He looked to be of Latino descent although I wasn't all the way sure. But after seeing the rage in his big brown eyes, I figured I had more to worry about other than this guy's ethnicity or his gender.

"Bruh, get out of here. Cam doesn't want you here and neither do I. Step!" I demanded. This time Angel gets a really good look at me. "You need to mind your own business! I don't want to have to get disrespectful, but I will!"

"You jumped over that line when you forced your way in here, with yo Hulk wannabe ass. Now go!" I replied.

Angel chuckles at me. "It's not forcing my way up here."

"You just tried with all your might to come in here. Most would call that forcing one's way in here." I said.
"Why are you here, anyway?"

Angel chuckles and looks at Cam, and then Neki. "You wanna tell 'er why I'm here, Cam?" he asks.
She only rolls her eyes.
"I guess that's a 'no'." He says, furrowing his brow at Cam. Then he turns around to me. "I'm Angel, Cam's man. We'd been planning on a weekend that I could come up and visit. It was supposed to be this weekend, when she suddenly cancelled on me. So I had to come and see what was up. And what's up is my girl is sleeping with everybody except me."

I shook my head in disapproval. "Why go through all this over somebody? Don't you think it would be better to break up?"

"Leave? No. I've put so much time into this relationship. I didn't put all this time in to lose her to some bitch." he said, snarling at Neki. Cam stepped in front of her to protect her.

"Look, Angel. It's over. I don't want anything to do with you, anymore. I'm just not into you like that. My bad for dragging you along. I know it was wrong."

Angel only chuckles. "That's real cute. Cam, we are stuck together for life. I don't really give a fuck about your lil feelings. We'll get through this rough patch like we always do. I just wish you would stop cheating on me."

"Angel, you don't understand. I am not physically nor sexually attracted to men. I got mad love for you, but I just don't see you that way."

Angel's eyes turn black. "You are with me for life, Cameron. I stood in front of  God and recited vows to you."

Neki's head shoots up. "In front of God? Vows? Wha— bitch, you married?!" she screeches.
Angel smirks. "We got married on July 7th two years ago."
Cam rolls her eyes. "We went to Vegas with fake IDs, you ass. Cam Carter ain't married to anybody. We were drunk off our ass, how could you even think that was a real wedding?" Cam asks.
"It was real because I meant every word I said. Drunk or not, you recited vows to me, as well. And I assumed you meant your words as well!"

Cam only rolls her eyes and turns to Neki. "You see why I didn't mention him?"

Neki gives Cam a look of pure disgust. "What the fuck is wrong with you? It's like you're allergic to telling it like it is. First I find out you're sleeping with other people, then I find out you're fucking married?! To a man?!"
"Seriously? What, you would be less mad if it was a woman? And for the last time, I'm not fucking married. I snuck off with him to Vegas, yes. We got super sloshed and said some words and  received a piece of paper saying that the people we portrayed were married. Cam Carter ain't married to no damn body. If we wanna get all technical, Sonya Villegas And Yosef Gomez got married."
Neki chuckles incredulously. "I- I can't with you. I am not gon' even stress about it. Lose my number." she says, grabbing her things and pushing past Cam and Angel.
"Kleo!" Cam shouts.
I sighed heavily. "I think y'all need to do a lot of talking. I'll give y'all some time alone."

With that, I grabbed my phone and my keys and walked out to the lobby. I just needed some time to reflect on myself. I needed to figure out what I wanted to do with my life right now. Witnessing Cam and her dramatic life made me reevaluate all the drama in mine.

Just then, KP had texted me again. She was bothering me again about tonight. It's because I never confirmed that I'd show up later. I didn't really know if I felt like dealing with her. I mean, God, she was sweating me. I liked her so far and everything, but I had never gotten a break from her since I met her. I felt both flattered and annoyed at the same time. Here's this fine ass girl who is all about me and nobody else. She always made sure to let me know that she would pursue me and only me. Plus we had chemistry in the bedroom. But she was kind of freaking me out with how intense she was being on the relationship side of things. I liked it, but then I didn't. KP just had me all types of confused on what I did and didn't want. I decided that I wanted to steer clear of her for a little while, until I finally came to a clear decision. So, I texted KP to let her know I wanted to be alone for a little bit. Then I started to think about Tiana. I wondered how she was faring in jail. I mean, shit, she had only been at the beginning of her year sentence. It had to have been a big adjustment. I mean, she had been locked up before, because of the whole Marcus situation, but that was only a few months. She has to be in this time, for a year. She's missing out on valuable time with Pierce. I felt bad for her on that front. He didn't deserve to be ripped away from his mom like that so early in life. Who's to say she'll even get to have him right away after she gets out? She only got locked up for tampering with evidence. Even though the state did not legally hold her responsible for Marcus' death, she might still have to go through some parenting classes or anger management or something. Everything was all fucked up.

I thought about what she said, too, about us not really being over. I started to wonder if she was right. She was a piece of shit girlfriend in the past, but maybe she would be different this time. Maybe her second jail stint would not consist of her screwing around with other girls. I mean, it would make sense. How cliche would that be? Two people who have been best friends for most of their lives fall for each other, get married, and have kids. Hell, we already had Pierce. Maybe we really are meant to be together. There must be some reason we can't leave each other alone.

TRU Life: Freshman Year (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now