Life's Tests

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"Your results will be ready for you in about 4 days, okay?"
"Alright," I replied. "Thank you!" I said, after I came back to the lobby. I looked around and noticed some of my friends were gone. They must be in the back getting their tests done now. I spot KP sitting in the chair we were in earlier. "So, did you like what you saw?" she asked. I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. She sucked her teeth. "Man, I saw you watching me like a hawk while I was talking to your friend."
"Yeah. I was watching so I could pick up tips on how to Mack." I said.
"Yeah, right. Whatever happened to, 'it's cool to talk to whoever you want to, I don't care'?" She said, mocking me playfully.
"Am I missing something? Is there a face I made that confused you?"
"You were frowning for like two whole minutes."
"I was?" I asked, trying to recall what was happening. Then something hit me. I was texting with Megan and Owen. They were both venting to me via text message about the other. I was frowning because they're always arguing over stupid shit. Furthermore they kept coming to me for relationship advice when all of mine have failed miserably. I didn't know what they wanted out of me.
"So, I got some friends from back home. They were texting me on some bullshit so if I made a crazy face, my bad." I explained. "I promise I don't care who you talk to, okay? As a matter of fact, it was quite... sexy watching you talk to somebody else." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "I saw the way you looked at her with so much intensity. You just speak with so much confidence. I don't know what it is but that... that is a gift. You make all the girls melt, man. All of 'em! So something tells me you bagged Cam."
She chuckled. "I didn't flirt with her, Gwen." she revealed. "I don't want to flirt with other people. I don't want them. Period."
"Well, why not?" I asked. There were a million girls at this school who looked ten times better than me, easily! I mean, I had rediscovered and amplified my own self-confidence but I never let it take me to the point of delusion! These girls were absolutely beautiful! I'd seen them with my own gay eyes! KP didn't want any of them? Just me? I couldn't take that at face value!
"I just want you."
"Can I ask you why?" I ask.
"I... don't know. I'm intrigued by you. You're strange. But strange is fun. You're really fun to be around. I know it's been a very short time since we've met each other but I wanna spend more time together. I find myself thinking a lot about you. I think it might be a good idea to hang out more so we can at least get to the bottom of this... mutual interest we have in each other. Plus..." She motions for me to lend her my ear. "I still remember how you taste." she whispered. That statement sent a rush of euphoria through my body. My cheeks became hot and I started to sweat. I was suddenly nervous to be around her. I hoped to God I could restrain myself from taking off with KP and heading to her room. I dragged my friends here, so I'm leaving with them. I'm sure they could make their own way back to their room, being that we were still on campus. However, I can't do 'em like that. Bros before hoes, man. I started to say something, but the rest of the crew came trickling from the the back. "We ready to go?" I ask them all. After being met with a bunch of yeses, I head for the front door. The whole group makes the trek back to our dorm hall. We were all talking amongst each other, not paying too much attention about the other groups. Alexis, Tracey, and Cam were talking amongst each other, while KP and I were keeping small conversation ourselves. Then, it was time for her to make the left towards her dorm building. "I'll see you tonight. We're playing a game. And I got dinner. Okay? 7 sharp. I promise you'll be returned to your room safely before midnight. Okay?"
What was I supposed to do? Say no?
"Okay, 7. Your place. We're having dinner and playing a little game. Got it. See ya." I said, opting for a small side hug. "Bye, y'all!" she says, as the rest of the crew acknowledges her. As I slide back into everyone else's conversation, I was met with inquiries about KP. "Hey, Gwen. Who's your friend?" Cam asked.
"That's KP." Tracey interjected. "Sexy ass." she said.
"Yup. She's the one I met the other day."
"Did you holla at her for me?" Tracey asked, chuckling.
Um, I holla'd Alright.
"She said to tell you she'll get back to you." I replied.

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