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"Namjoon what the fuck." Those words shook Namjoon that he had to charged towards her.

"Somi, please. Not infront of them. And-"

"Why the fuck are they in my damn house? Who are they?" Somi became more annoyed and her feelings she had was just to throw them out of the house.

"Namjoon. I want them. Out. Of. My. House. Now," she said sternly.

"This is my house too. I paid for this house and you're basically living in my house which I who paid this and no i am not kicking them out of my house," Namjoon snapped back.

Somi gasped at how Namjoon replied to her. Never in their marriage life he had ever snapped back like that even when she made his ears bleed by screaming useless faults of his.

"You know i hate fucking children yet you fucking bring them here. When did you even freaking ask or discuss bout this?" She felt her heart rate increased. She hates it when people do stuffs that she does not like.

"Honey, you know i did. We were having dinner and i asked you about having kids here because i was lonely and all you did was answer a brightly sharpened and shine 'yes'."



Namjoon and his wife were having dinner at home. Yes, Namjoon learned how to cook ever since he started working from home and ever since his wife comes home late.

They were enjoying their dinner. Umm well, specifically, Namjoon was enjoying while dear Mdm Busy was busy texting or something.

"Honey, Is it okay if we adopt more than one kid? Cause, well you know.. I got bored sometimes and I really do need companies. You even reached home late and by the time you reached, I was already asleep. So, can we?"

Without looking away from her phone to atleast focus on him for awhile, she continued texting and just answered 'yes' without even knowing what he said.

All she knew was she heard someone talking.

On the bright side, it was lucky for Namjoon as he got free pass permission to adopt kids.


"D-daddy?" Small voice came from behind Namjoon.

"Yes, Hobi-ssi?" He answered with a warm smile. Hoseok pointed to Somi who was literally glaring at little Hoseok who doesnt even know what was going on.

"Oh this? This is Kim Somi, baby. Your new mommy," he placed his large hand onto Hoseok's head.

"Im not your mother and dont you dare call me mommy or whatever bullshit it is," Somi pushed through the both of them and went straight into the shared bedroom with Namjoon and slammed the door closed.

Hoseok was scared because of her harsh way of talking and because he closed the door too hard that it made everyone jumped.

Yoongi and Jin who were busy watching cartoon turned to see the closed door. Jimin and Taehyung who were on the floor playing stopped also and Jimin has to crawl over to Taehyung that made Taehyung instincly cuddle him.

On the other hand, Hoseok who was standing beside Namjoon tried to hide himself behind Namjoon and held onto the ham of his shirt. Holding on to it as if he would fall if he lets go.

Namjoon felt sorry that they have to witness such drama on their first night at their new home.

In the room, Somi placed her Channel handbag harshly onto the dressing table after locking the door. Looking at herself into the mirror.

She started screaming and slid the powders and combs that were on the dressing table off of it.


She screamed her lungs out. Thankfully the room is at second floor.

Atleast they couldnt hear her screaming.

She calmed down a little, dragging herself to the bed with tears then slammed herself onto the bed.


Somi once was a kindergarden teacher. She really love kids that time. Didnt even know who Namjoon was then.

"Okay,children. Its finally recess!" She clapped her hands and was tagged along by the kids.

The all ran out of the class to use the washroom but one stayed. His stares towards Somi was damn creepy for Somi to handle. She tried to shook it off and smile.

"Hey, Yeongwon. Why arent you going out to the washroom?" Walked towards him without fear.

That Yeongwon boy was new. She didnt know what he was like. All she knew was that he was different from others. If so, why does he still schools? Probably not that serious, she thought.

Once she was close enough to him, she sat at his classmate's chair right beside him.

Thats when she realised she made the wrong decision. That boy took out a sharp scissor and poke it right into his left arm flesh and started to drag it downwards.

Somi's eyes went wide and was speechless. Yeongwon started crying out loud as he immediately took away the scissor out of him and poke her wrist once.

She screamed, made Yeongwon handed her the knife as teachers came running in. Wondering what sound was that and where did it came from.

They all gasped once they saw bloods flowing out of two people.

"Wh-what h-happen?" One of teachers asked. Fear of getting close until she gets the answer.

"S-SHE TRIED T-TO HURT HERSELF BUT THEN SHE S-SAW ME SO SHE DID THIS!" Yeongwon put the blame on her and showed them the deep sliced on his arm.

"WAIT! FALSE! I DIDNT DO ALL THIS. HE WAS THE ONE HURTING HIMSELF," Somi tried her best to fight back.

Sadly he was sent to the big office and had to explained everything. Lucky her that all she said was true by having proof on the cctv.

She felt relieved that she has proof and didnt have to go to jail for the false blame.

But, she got fired from her favourite job and since then she was jobless for so long she didnt have enough money to eat.

Her parents passed away in her early aged so she has to live her life.


After all that happened, she got traumatized. Instead of being that good person in the world, she became that person who only thinks about whats best for herself.

Why did Namjoon picked her? Probably the sweetest talker and kind hearted person he ever met.

As said, she hated everything that doesnt go her way.

She hates hates almost everything in this world. She only probably wouldnt hate pleasures.

Her makeups were all over her white covered pillow so she got up to wash the stain away as she heard laughters and giggle from ground floor.

"Kids huh? Well, Namjoon. Wrong decision."

"Welcome to hell,kids," she talked to herself.


Nahhhh Somi aint bad guys..


𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 || 𝐊𝐍𝐉 𝐗 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐒 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒✔️Where stories live. Discover now