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"Joon hyung?!" Daniel came rushing in.  The door slammed right to the wall. Without caring about the wall, Daniel went to where Namjoon was seated. Seongwu who was behind him walked in and closed the door gently unlike Daniel. 

"You okay hyung? " Daniel took a seat beside the elder. "No.  Not even a single bit.  I- Im scared Niel.  What- what- what if he hurts them," tears started to fall. "Theyre scared. I-its all my fault. I shouldve stayed awake to keep an eye on all of them but instead i fell asleep. Im stupid! Im so stupid!" Namjoom screamed out in misery.

Seongwu sat at the other side of him and placed Namjoon's head on his chest to let him cry it all out. "Shh, no matter what, we will find them okay?" Seongwu held him close. Namjoon cried harder.

"Daddy?" A soft voice suddenly appear. Namjoon got up and wiped away his tears with a sniff. "Yes Jiminie?" He showed his warm smile.

"Wheres Jin hyung? N Kookie? I.. want all of us to share this cookie together," Jimin said, a frown on his face.

"Come here Chimmie," Namjoon gestured Jimin to come over. Namjoon carried him onto his lap and whispered, "Listen here, okay," Jimin noded. "Your brothers.. will not be home for some time. Im afraid you have to share your cookies with only Yoongi hyung, Seokie hyung and Taetae okay?" He tried his best not to let out his shaky voice nor a tear.

"B-but why? Where did they go daddy? Are they okay?" Jimin was so close to tears that Namjoon had to hold him tightly in his arms. "Dont worry, kid. They..will be alright."

On the other side of the seat, sat a jealous father. Seongwu was jealous of watching their Father-Son relationship when actually his real father was there, seated quietly with a painful smile. How he wish to hold Jimin in his arms while Jimin calls him father or appa or dad or even daddy.
But Seongwu just let it flow. It was his fault anyways. He cant blame Namjoon for adopting him, instead he should feel grateful because Namjoon had took care of his son.

"Daddy?" Another voice in the background appeared. This time it was, "Come here Taehyungie," Seongwu called Taehyung over to sit on his lap. Taehyung went to Seongwu and sat comfortably, placing his head onto his chest. "I miss my brothers."

"I miss home," Jungkook cried into Seokjin's chest while Seokjin tried to be strong for the younger one.

He didnt know what to do too. He wanted to cry also but he couldnt show his weakness as he had to be strong for the younger one. He wanted to break anything to escape the dark and filthy room and just run into his father's arms. He was scared. He was more than scared. He was terrified. With this kind of situation, he didnt know where to go, what to do, what questions to answer nor when to get an idea to deal with it. He just wanted to cry like how Jungkook was.

"Let me sing for you, promise me you will sleep?" Jungkook nodded.

"So weird, I for sure loved you so much
Adapted to you with everything, I wanted to live my life for you
But as I keep doing that I just can't bear the storm inside my heart
The real myself inside the smiling mask, I reveal it entirely..

I’m shaking and afraid but I keep going forward
I’m meeting the real you, hidden in the storm
Why did I want to hide my precious self like this?
What was I so afraid of?
Why did I hide my true self?"

Seokjin's voice filled the room.  His angelic voice that could make the harsh day calm. 

"I may be a bit blunt, I may lack some things
I may not have that shy glow around me
But this is me
My arms, my legs, my heart, my soul..

I wanna love in this world
Shining me, precious soul of mine
I finally realized so I love me
Not so perfect but so beautiful
I'm the one I should love.."

He ended it softly. Jungkook was asleep. Seokjin positioned him properly and placed his head onto Seokjin's lap. He swept Jungkook's bangs to one side and smiled to himself. Not long, he felt something wet and hot on his cheek.

He was crying.

He closed his eyes to stop himself from crying but he couldnt. He suddenly felt someone caressed his cheek. He opened his eyes only to find Jungkook half awake. His hand on his hyung's cheek, wiped away the tears the elder shed.

Jungkook got up and faced directly to Seokjin and looked deep into his eyes.
"Its okay to cry hyung. Im here for you," Jungkook showed his warm smile. Seokjin broke down even more.
This time, the younger one is holding the elder one in his arms.

"We are here for each other hyung," Voiced out Jungkook.

"They are there for each other," Namjoon forced a smile. A bitter smile.

"Have trust in them Joon hyung. I believe they will always be there for each other no matter what. I can see that this Kim siblings love each other so much. So I doubt Jin nor Jungkook will leave each other. We will head to the police station immediately when the hour strikes 24 hours," Seongwu and Namjoon had a private talk in Namjoon's room while Daniel took care of the kids downstairs. Probably playing or eating or watching tv.

"I believe in them," Namjoon voiced out with a sincerely smile. "Thank you Seongwussi for being here for me even at my worst time. I would like to say the same to Nielssi too. I dont know what i'll do or feel without both of you. You guys are the best," Namjoon leaned in to give a hug.

"No problem,bro."

"Cuddies without us?" The both pulled away and saw the little ones along with Daniel standing there at the door.

Seongwu let out a small chuckle and called them over for a group hug. "Come here."

They all got into a group hug to give strength to each one. For now, agree with me, Seongwu is like the mother in this Kim family.

"We will stay strong together."



Im seriously sorry for not updating for like idk how many days. Im seriously busy with school works and im having an upcoming exam too.

Take care of your health and saranghaeyo ♥

Mother Mimynie

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