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"FLY WITH MEEE.. FLY FLYYYY.. HOBI HYUNG. KOOKIE FLYYY," Said Jungkook with his arm out wide like superman as Seokjin gave him a piggy back ride. Hoseok gave him a wide grin, a grin that would lighten up everybody's day.

"Awww i want to fly too. Yoongi hy-"

"No," Yoongi interupted before Hoseok could finish.

Hoseok scoffed and just continued walking.


"FLYYYYYY," Taehyung who jumped onto Yoongi's back started to put an act like Jungkook.

"G-get down, Taetae-" Yoongi tried to put Taehyung down but failed as Taehyung locked his small but strong legs around Yoongi's waist. It made Yoongi groaned and started walking like a real slow tortoise.

"Fasterrrr," commanded Taehyung. "Youre h-heaVYYYY," Yoongi complained. He held beneath Taehyung's knees to secure and keep them from falling.

"Hyung! Hyung! Taetae hyung fly tooo," Jungkook who turned his head to look behind saw Taehyung on Yoongi's back told Seokjin excitedly. Seokjin turned to look too and let out a giggle at his cute dongsaengs fighting over small matter.

While Taehyung and Jungkook were on their hyung's back to enjoy their piggy back ride, Hoseok and Jimin walked hand in hand with Namjoon, swinging hard as they go.

"Daddy, lets eat moreeeeeeeeee lamb next timeee," Said Jimin, his eyes full of joy, his stomach satisfied and his gained more.

"Okay, baby. But not always, or, youre gonna grow fat like, Seokie."

"Hye! Am not fat," Hoseok pouted but Namjoon just laughed it out followed by Jimin.

"Here we are," Namjoon announced as they were infront of a noisy place called an arcade.


"Taehyung no-" Namjoon sighed. Taehyung jumped down from Yoongi and ran into the arcade. Jungkook and Hoseok soon followed behind. The others just calmly walked in with the feeling of excite.

"Awwwwhhh," Jimin whined. Beside Jimin was a cheerful Taehyung,"Yeayyyy, I won again," he fliped his non-existant long hair. "But you won 3 times straighttt," the whiny Jimin complained. With that, Taehyung patted his back,"Sorry that im better," he chuckled but then gave Jimin a hug. "Okay then," Jimin pulled away.


"ME! ME! ME!"

"Would you two lower down a little," Yoongi made an annoyed face. Poor Hoseok and Taehyung who cant seem to keep their tone down.

"Let them be, Yoongi-ssi. We are here to have fun," Seokjin voiced out when passing by. Both he and Jungkook went to find something more childish, obviously for Jungkook. They went on a merry-go-round ride and even catching the fake fish.

Namjoon was there siting at a corner where he can keep an eye on everyone.

But not for long, he dozed off.

Everyone else were at the racing car station while Jungkook and Seokjin went to a photobooth.

"Lets take pictures," Seokjin pressed the buttons and the machine started to take pictures of them.

They went out and got the photo strip from outside. Jungkook giggled, "Hyung, we look cute," Said he doing an aegyo pose. "Indeed we are," Seokjin grined. "Infact, Im gonna be mr worlwide handsome when I grow up," Seokjin announced proudly making Jungkook scoffed. "Show off."

"Hye there, kids," A mascot of a bear came towards them with a balloon in his hand. No one was at that station other than Seokjin and Jungkook.

"Balloon! Balloon! Hyung, I want oneee pleaseeee," Jungkook held onto Seokjin's arm swinging it. "Alright, alright. Excuse me,sir. Is that free?" Seokjin turned to the mascot to ask.

"Owh, yes! Yes! I have more if you want! Come, follow me," Replied the mascot and gestured the both of them to follow him. They followed behind him while skipping.

Soon, they arrived at somewhere unfamiliar which is the back of the arcade. It looked colourful and cheerful though.

"Here we are," said the mascot cheerfully. Weird Seokjin thought as he saw no signs of balloons anywhere as said. "Sorry, sir. But where are the balloons?"

"What do you mean balloons?" The mascot took out the head of the costume he wore. "Now," He said and suddenly three men came and carried both Seokjin and Jungkook, covering their mouth with a handkerchief to avoid them screaming or bitting.

Seokjin kept on fighting to get back down but the man was too strong.

"Stop moving or I'll take the rest of your brothers," Said the one who was in wearing the mascot costume.

They shoved Jungkook and Seokjin into a black car and very dark tinted and closed the door. Theres a driver waiting in the car wearing black sunglasses and very smart suit.

"Where to boss?" Asked the driver sounding more like a robot. "District 1," The guy beside answered, adjusting the mirror. Seokjin could see his evil smirked. They were too scared that they only stayed quiet.

"Hyung," Jungkook whispered, tears built in his eyes. Seokjin pulled Jungkook closer to him and embraced him, caressing him to assure him his hyung is there with him.

"Im scared," Jungkook choked out quietly, quiet enough for only Seokjin to hear him. "I know,Kookie. I know," He rested his chin onto the younger's head.

Im scared too. Seokjin shed tears quietly. Daddy will save us soon.

"Jin hyung!"


"Jin! Jungkook!" Namjoon called out. The others were looking for them both too. They tried to search everyone but there was no sign of them.

"Daddy, I found this," Hoseok came back with Jinkook's photo strip. Probably fell when they followed the fake mascot who was trying to be the good guy.

"W-where are they??" Namjoon started to panic. He took out his phone and called Daniel immediately.


"H-hello. I-I think. Fuck it, Niel. I think they got Jin and Kookie," Namjoon cursed out, his shaky hands couldnt hold his phone properly. He felt weak. He was scared. He knew the day will come.

"No. Shit. Are you kidding me?"

"N-no, Niel. Im fucking serious. Theres no sign of them in the arcade," Namjoon felt guilt started to creep in his feelings.

There was a moment of silent at the end of the line until, "Hello?! Joon hyung??" It was Seongwu.

"Hello, Woo," Namjoon held in his tears. Trying to be strong for others.

"What happened?" Seongwu sounded so panicked.

"He got my kids."

HALOOOOO dear readers of mine 💕💕

Yesss ik its been a long day not updating but here I am 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I love yalls so much 😭😭😭😭

Thank you for commenting and voting tooo..


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