If I Stay (3)

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This one is longer than expected but honestly I don't care, I'm going to make this as deep and meaningful and tear jerking as possible. Hope you enjoy this series

Mae entered the room to see Yoongi lying on his bed on his back throwing a ball up and catching it. Mae stood there in her spot, watching, her heart beating rapidly in her ribcage. Taking a second deep breath, she walked over
and sat at the foot of the bed.

"Yoongi..." she whispered.

Yoongi, upon hearing his name, sat up and looked around only to see absolutely nothing. Confused, he spoke, "hello?"

"Yoongi, I need your help..." Mae said.

"Who's there? What do you want with me?" he said, thinking he sounded crazy. Thankfully no one was home so no one could hear him, "Who's there?"

"Mae..." she answered. She watched as his eyes widened and his eyes glazed over.

"Mae...? I-is that you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm here," she placed her hand on his and his hand went cold at the feeling of Mae's hand on his, "I need your help."

"Wh-what's happening? Am I dreaming or can I really hear you?" he asked, still suspicious of his mind playing tricks on him, "how do I know someone isn't playing a joke on me?"

"Ask me a question only I would know," Mae said.

"What have I been working on for the past few months in my room?"

"Your mixtape, Agust D. You hope you'll be able to share it one day and share your passion for music with the world," Mae answered, it was true he'd wanted to share his passion with everyone, he'd told her all about it and even showed her some of the songs he'd made.

"I-it's really you... where are you?" he asked, shocked.

"Good question, honestly I don't even know, it's sort of like an in-between... truth is, I've been given a choice to live or go. I don't know though, do I really want to return to a place where all people, except you all, just treat me like... I'm worthless? I don't want to hear that anymore, I don't want to see that anymore," Mae paused.

Yoongi placed his hand, somehow, on hers the coldness still present, "Mae, it's okay you know. We're here for you no matter what, I know you want to keep on with the tough kid act but if it hurts you this much you need to let that go. I know what you feel like, I remember freshman year sucked because of people but then I found the guys and you. Being around you all made me forget about all of them, the people outside of us don't matter. They're nothing compared to us, we're your family and no matter what, we'll be by your side," Yoongi said.

"Thanks hyung," Mae said, standing up and hugging him before she made her way to the door, "by the way, you need to stop blaming yourself, it's not your fault. Go out please, go to school, get your education, nothing is your fault or the other's. See you hyung," Mae said before leaving. As she left she heard Yoongi run out of his room and to wherever. She smiled as she made her way down the street to where she was.

Once she arrived to her room, she entered and sat in her usual spot and began thinking of her life, her family, her friends, everything. She was still there when Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook came, she was there when Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi arrived. Eventually, midnight rolled around and she was watching the night sky above her, the stars shone brightly that night and the city below seemed alive with the lights and people. Mae smiled at it all, appreciative of what surrounded her and happy, genuinely happy for the first time in a while.

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