14: What That Hell Do You Think You're Doing Here !?!

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A/n : I'm sure when can foreshadow what will happen this chapter , I'll give you a hint has to do with Myung Jaehyuk.

"I think of the night in the park, it was getting dark
And we stayed up for hours
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie
You clinged to my body like you wanted it forever
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie"

^ that lyric really speaks to the whole situation with Shen Yue and her ex lover. She's going through heartache still because she gave her heart to a man who betrayed her and said all these nasty things to her.

We all know Myung Jaehyuk didn't actually mean what he told her but she doesn't know that and for her she's developing these emotions and feelings for Dylan and she's afraid of them because the first time she loved he left, so I hope y'all get this and hope don't think it's too soon for her to feel something because I feel that when you feel something no matter how long you've known the person , it's real and you shouldn't ignore it no matter the time you've known the person.  Because Love isn't measure by time at all.

A soulmate is a soulmate. 💜, and when they're your soulmate you know in your heart and bones.

A warning slight smut implied(not for Dyshen but a flashback scene between Shen Yue and Myung Jaehyuk) thank you so much for 1k reads !!!

And promise the relationship between Dylan and Shen Yue is just starting

Carry on !!

Shen Yue's POV

I held the pendant in my hand and keep smiling and looking at it. It was beautiful and it was by far one of the most beautiful things I ever owned and was ever gifted.

Dylan really out did himself for my birthday and he had just meet me.

Oh , Dylan. The thought of him made me smile and made me happy. That beautiful man was doing something to me and I didn't know what to think.

It was scary , Love was scary. I loved once and I lost and it hurt and I was still very much healing from it.

I frown. I needed to shake these things I was feeling and focus on my son.

It was Saturday morning and It was around seven am and even when I wanted to sleep in I never could.

Jay was sleeping too , I had checked him a few minutes ago.

And I'm guessing Dylan was sleeping too. He had gotten hired at a job recently behind my back and it was at a book store and at first I was kind of worried because he still didn't now much of earth.

But I relaxed after I realized how fast he got the hang of things. He worked Monday through Thursday. And would be starting this Monday , it would be gone from Ten am to four pm.

I got up from my bed and headed to the kitchen to boil some water for tea. Today I was in the mood to sit in my front porch and get some fresh air, some fresh air would do me good.

I waited for the water to boil and when it did I prepared myself some Raspberry zinger tea.(a/n: my favorite tea 🍵 ever in life)

Afterwards I take my tea with me outside and sit on the chair.

I remember a few weeks ago how I said I was good and that nothing would ever change. Life worked funny ways.

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