Chapter 19

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**This is my fan-fiction story based on characters from the show Torchwood. I do not own the names of the characters, except a few, and I do not of course own the story of Torchwood. I just used the names and some of the storyline for my fan-fiction story. I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to leave comments.** 

I walk over to the couch and lay down. I don’t feel like doing anything today. My mobile buzzed again. I look and see it’s from Jeremy again. “I guess you’re busy.” I laugh. Of course I’m not busy, I just don’t feel like doing anything. I respond to his message. “I am busy. I’ll text later.” And put my phone back on the table. My mind starts to wonder. I start thinking about Jack. I wonder what he’s doing. I hope he stops by to see me. I’d kiss him. Mmm. I start thinking about the dream I had last night. Everything felt so real. The touch of his hands, his lips on my skin and then on my lips. Yum.

Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by Jeremy. Wait. How did he get my mobile number? I know his father’s a P.I., but there’s no way he’d be able to get it. Not unless he has friends in high places that would be able to get him the number. I remember that grandfather wanted to keep me from getting harassed by people since I’m his granddaughter. He’s an important man. He works with the military and all of that other stuff related to the military. He’s tried to keep me out of the spotlight and away from the media and other people who would like to hurt the military.

I text Jack. “Hey. I have something I really need to talk to you about. Can you come over?” I sit up and wait. He texts me back a few minutes later. “I can’t come over right now. I’ll see what I can do. I’ll text you when I have time. Later.” How disappointing. I was really hoping he’d come over or at least call me to find out what I had to say. I wonder if Jeremy has been following me. It would explain the constant ‘someone’s following me/staring at me’ feeling I’ve been getting lately.

I decided I would just avoid Jeremy for now. I don’t trust him just yet. All kinds of things run though my head. I’m still really worried about my grandfather. No one has made contact regarding a ransom or anything like that. I hope he’s still alive and doing alright. He’s the only actual family I have left…That I know of anyway. I can’t take it anymore. I don’t like thinking bad things and I don’t want to be alone. I call Erik. He’s my boss.

“Yup?” He answers his mobile like that all of the time. “Hey, it’s me Charlie. Would it be alright if I hang out at the club? I have nothing better to do today.” It was silent for a moment or two. “Sure. You can help me restock everything and maybe rearrange stuff. See you soon.” And he hung up. Well, at least I have something to do. I go to my room and get ready. I get close to the door when Jeremy texts me again. “Hey.” Really? I’m pretty sure I told you I was busy. I’ll just ignore him.

I get out the door and head to my car when I get another text from Jeremy. “Where you headed off to?” What? How does he know where I live and that I’m leaving? I respond. “How do you know where I live? And I told you I am busy today, so stop bothering me.” He’s starting to annoy me and freak me out at the same time. I get to my car and check the backseat to make sure he’s not hiding in my car or something. “What are you looking for?” I hear a familiar voice. I turn to see Jeremy behind me.

“What are you doing here? How did you find out where I live?” I am getting really freaked out. He smiles. “I followed you. You’re just so pretty.” He continued to smile at me. “Oh. I know you don’t have a boyfriend.” He was still smiling. I laughed. “What?” He looked a little confused. “I do have a boyfriend. He works a lot though. He’s the tall, handsome guy that comes home in a black SUV.” He stopped smiling. “You mean the daft bloke who wears a long overcoat?” I smiled and said, “Yes. That one. He’s my perfect boyfriend.” He looked angry. I better be careful. He might go after Jack.

“I really do have to go.” I got into my car quickly and locked the doors. I left as quickly as I could and headed to work. Hopefully he wasn’t able to follow me or know where I work. I kept looking to make sure I wasn’t being followed. I realized I didn’t know what kind of vehicle he was driving, so it made it harder to keep an eye out for him. I get to work faster than I have before. I get out of my car, lock up and high-tail it into the club.

“Whoa. What’s the hurry?” I hear Erik as I rush inside. “Oh. Um…There’s a creepy guy who’s been following me. I didn’t want him to catch up to me.” Erik looked annoyed. He walked over to Jon. He’s the bouncer/guard. I can’t hear what Erik says. Jon nods his head and walks over to me. “What’s this weirdo look like?” I looked up at him. “He’s about five foot ten, blonde hair, green eyes, and he’s wearing an AC/DC shirt and dark blue jeans.” Jon nods his head. “Right. I’ll take care of him if I see him. No need to worry doll.” Jon started to walk away. “Thanks Jon.” I called out.

I walked over to Erik. “Thank you.” He stared at me then said, “Yup. I wanna make sure my girls are safe. They ain’t if they have a creeper following them.” He laughed. Uh, ok. “Follow me.” Erik said as he started to walk towards the back. “We’re going to restock everything. Alcohol, food, other drinks, etc.” Sounds fun. “Okay. I can do that. Where do you want me to start?” I asked. He pointed to the drinks. I began moving crates over to where we keep the drinks and started restocking.

After three hours of restocking everything, we finally get done. “Whew. That was a workout.” I chuckled. I hear Erik laugh. “Yup. I would have to agree, though it’s not better than sex.” Wow, really? Since we were done, I was going to head home, but Jon stopped me. “What?” I looked at him as he put his hand up to stop me from leaving. “That weird creeper has been hanging around a few minutes after you got here. Not lettin’ you leave while he’s still out there.” Great. Just fun freaking tastic. I wanted to go home, but can’t now because Jeremy is outside.

I walk back over to the bar. “Do you have someone who could stay with you or somethin’?” Erik asked as he walked up to me. Yes, but he’s at work and I’m not sure he’d be able to come help.” Erik looked concerned. “Well, I’ll figure something out if he can’t help ya.” I hugged Erik. “Thanks.” I got my mobile out and sent Jack a text. “Hey. I need you to either come get me or follow me home. I need your protection.” I sat and waited a few minutes then Jack responded. “Sorry. I’m really busy.” I start to feel a bit angry. “Of course. Well since my stalker hasn’t left yet, I guess he can walk me home then!” I’m so mad that I turned my mobile off.

“He’s too busy. Is there a way you could drive me home or have someone follow me?” I said. Erik looked at me, concerned. “Yea. I’ll have Jon ride with you and then I’ll send Bubba to get him.” He hugged me. “Be safe doll.” I held back tears. “Thanks Erik. I really appreciate you doing this for me.” He nodded and walked over to Jon and Bubba. I could see them talking and nodding their heads. Jon came over to me. “Ready?” I nodded and we headed out to my car. We didn’t have any problems. We got in the car and I headed home.

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