Party Poison x Reader - The Grace of the Phoenix Witch

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: angst, grief,
count: 2 452

Party stared at the old mailbox in the middle of the desert. Flowers and little mementoes were arranged in front of it, dozens of layers of color coated the metal, and in some places it was breaking of. He stared at the word that was written right under the slit for the letters. 'Love' was spelled out in red cursive writing.

Yeah, he had known what love felt like, he still did in some way, when it came to his brother, or his friends, but he was sure he would never feel love in that way again as he had felt with her. She had been his world, had been the reason to keep fighting. How long had it been now? Three years, maybe four? Was it crazy that he still came to the shrine in the middle of the desert to send letters to her? The Phoenix Witch surely did not deliver all of his letters to her, nor did she read those letters he had written for her, begging her to bring his love back. She probably had never listened to the hours filled with prayers that he had spent in front of the mailbox, asking someone, be it the Phoenix Witch, Destroyer, or any kind of god, to bring her back. Back in the days, before he had been an outlaw in the Californian desert, before BLI had destroyed the world, and turned it into their own little playground, he would have been sent to see some councilor of sorts. Someone to help him cope with the loss, but without BLI she would be alive anyway; he would not need to grieve.

The small line of brighter blue at the horizon announced the new day, and Party got up from the dusty ground. Another night spent out here, another night grieving over someone he could not have back. Of course there had been times when he thought about ending everything, just to be with her again, but he needed to fight, the world still needed him to fight, Kobra needed him, and so did Jet and Ghoul.

He patted the old metal of the mailbox and smiled a sad smile.

"Tell her I still love her, will you," he asked quietly, hoping the Phoenix Witch was listening to his words.

He got back to the diner before any of the others woke up, he always did. They had no clue that he spent most of his nights out under the stars, next to the only connection he might have with his love.

He was just digging into a can of the disgustingly mushy power pup, when suddenly the transmitter over the defect stove started blinking and bleeping. Party buried his face in his hands, too tired to jump to his feet immediately, before he slowly got up, and picked up the receiver.

"Someone there," a voice crackled through the speaker, distorted and hard to understand.

"Yeah, it's Party," he answered, "What's up, Cola?"

"Our sensors picked up a signature just outside zone six, a little north east from where you guys are," Cola answered, the cracking in the speaker suddenly dying down, allowing Party to clearly hear the other man clearly, "someone's out there."

"BLI, probably," Party yawned.

"No, we would have seen them coming from the city, it's someone, something from outside. Think you can go check it out?"

Party rolled his eyes. Seriously, he was tired. Why did it always have to be them when it came to checking out weird stuff?

"Sure, consider it done," he answered and hung up the mic without saying goodbye. He definitely was not a morning person.

To say his fellow Killjoys were not happy about being woken up, and immediately having to drive out into the desert, would have been an understatement. Groaning and complaining they had wriggled into their clothes, and pulled their masks on, before flopping down into the Trans AM.

Party sat behind the wheel, speeding over the open roads of the desert, the car causing clouds of dust to rise in the air, painting the route they were taking.

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