Patrick Stump x Reader - Troubled Thoughts

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Requested by me: It's the reader's birthday on tour, but she's having a shitty day, and Patrick who she shares a room with, tries to make up for everyone else forgetting about her.
: female
: alcohol, insecurity concering body image, about 3 ideas mixed into one story, aka chaos
Word count
: 4 437
: 1. I'm still sick, so there'll have slipped more errors through the proof reading than usual.
2. Happy Birthday to me, I guess.
3. I want to dedicate this to everyone out there whose birthday falls on a holiday of their culture/religion that is fixed in the calendar (e.g. like Christmas in Christianity). I know how much it sucks when everyone is busy with the festive activities etc. and completely forgets about you. This story is for us.

Surely it had to be every musician's dream to spend at least one of their birthdays on tour, surrounded by their friends, travelling the world, making music. And it had been your dream too, your birthday being Boxing Day. As a child you had never had friends over for your birthday, because it was a holiday, and instead you had celebrated with your family.

When you had been little, you had been disappointed, but growing older you had always enjoyed the time with your family. That was about the same time as you realised that you had never gotten a birthday cake before. It was always a big drama, making the birthday cakes for your siblings, but for you? When you had asked your mother about it, she had said there were still so many baked goods in the house, mostly Christmas cookies and chocolates that it would be crazy to make even more.

Another thing, and that was by far the most painful one, was that, other than your parents and grandparents, every single person, most years including even your siblings, forgot that it was your birthday. All your friends were so busy with Christmas, complaining about their families and their presents that they completely forgot about your birthday. God forbid you would have forgotten their birthday though.

And over the last years you could not help like feel as if the people who already liked to use you to drop their problems, took you for granted, not even wondering when you had come into this world for them to use you. After you had joined the band Fall Out Boy, it had gotten better, mostly because you had been able to drop these people, but you still usually celebrated your birthday with your family.

This year was different. Somehow the label had had the brilliant idea you should play shows on the days from the 27th to the 30th of December, so you would be back home just in time for New Year's Eve. Not that you were looking forward to that evening either, knowing all of your friends had plans that did not include you, but that's how life was sometimes.

Generally you would not have minded spending the day cramped into the narrow seats of a plane, or running across gigantic airports, trying to catch the next flight. You were not the kind of person who wanted to be in the centre of everyone's attention, you did not want everyone to focus on your birthday, but if you were honest, you would have expected a bit more than a pat on the shoulder and a "Happy birthday, (y/n)." "Oh right, it's your birthday".

Now you were sitting on the blanket of a sterile hotel bed, contemplating your life, and feeling miserable. Pete, Joe and Andy had gone out with the crew but forgotten you were still on the bus, leaving you and Patrick, who had not wanted to join them, behind. Deciding it would be the best to claim one of the rooms into which your manager had already checked you in, you had taken your night bag, and made your way to the shared room. Patrick and you had agreed that it would make the most sense to share a room, since this way you would not get woken up when the others returned.

Through the door to the en-suite bathroom, you heard the water of the shower running. You had already taken a quick shower, which had not at all helped to make you feel any less self-pitying, but you decided for once you had a right so mop around. Patrick would go to sleep soon anyway, so he would hardly be bothered by your bad mood.

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