Ryan Ross x Reader - Fireworks

691 28 2

Summary: You're on a party on New Year's Eve, but it doesn't seem like you get to spend it the way you would like, so you decide to leave
Reader: female (implied)
: mentions of alcohol
Word count
: 1 293
: Quick drabble for New Year's Eve, that I'm writing between 10pm and 11:30, because I'm still sick, and want something cute with Ryan

"Ten more minutes!"

You rolled your eyes. In the beginning you had been looking forward to this party, you had even dressed up, and made an effort with your make-up. You had felt confident earlier, thinking maybe your friend Ryan would finally see you as more than just his buddy. But the way he was chatting to one of these long legged blondies now, it seemed he was far more interested in her. You did not blame him. She was beautiful, and you were just his friend.

Did you really want to spend midnight watching him kiss her? No, definitely not.

Turning around, your eyes scanned the room. Dan was talking to Nick and Aaron, and neither Seth nor Noah were in sight, and those two were, other than Ryan, the people you would have enjoyed talking to the most right now. But without them around you might as well leave; this party had been over for you the moment the blonde had chatted up Ryan anyway.

You pushed past a couple of people who all were eagerly handing out glasses with sparkling wine or whatever they used to drink to the New Year in a few minutes. Quickly, and without drawing any attention to yourself, you made your way out of the living room. Your jacket had to be in the hallway, buried somewhere between other jackets.

Sighing you searched through the heap of clothes, and when your fingers closed around the familiar material of your coat, you pulled it out. Luckily you were still wearing your elegant boots, so at least you did not have to search for those as well. Your scarf and hat were tightly tucked into the pocket of your jacket. Quickly you slipped into the coat, and were about to put on your hat, the scarf already tightly wrapped around your neck, when suddenly someone spoke up behind you.

"Where do you think you are going? And don't you dare lie to me, and say you're watching the fireworks."

You immediately recognised the familiar, smoky voice of your best friend, and turned around to Z. She was dressed in a beautiful, sparkly black dress, high heels, her lips painted fire red, and her eyes accentuated with dark make up. You sighed again, quietly this time, and turned around to her.

"I'm going home," you answered truthfully.


You just nodded.

"Is there some way I can stop you," she asked, a sad smile on her lips because she already knew your answer.

"Not unless you know magic," you laughed, and tried not to let show how close to tears you were.

"Then get home safely, darling," she whispered, and stepped over a couple of shoes to wrap you in a tight embrace. "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year to you, too," you smiled, and when she pulled away, you moved over to the door, and let yourself out, waving quickly at her a last time. Upstairs at the party someone shouted that it was only three minutes until midnight now.

You walked down the dark and cold street, your hands buried deep in your coat's pockets, your fingers closed around the car keys. Since you did not drink you had no problem with not being allowed to drive. A couple of families started to leave their houses, preparing the fireworks, some people just held glasses with their drinks.

Just when you had reached your car, quickly approaching steps grew louder behind you. Since the streets were filled with people by now, you were not worried about an attack, so you stepped aside, close to your car, to let whoever hurried down the pavement pass. But instead the steps halted right behind you, and a hand grabbed your wrist turning you around. Alarmed you got ready to defend yourself, but were met with a familiar face.

"Where are you going? Z said you wanted to go home-?"

Ryan was confused, so much you could tell, and apparently he had hurried to get to you; he was not even wearing a jacket in the cold night.

"Yeah, I didn't really enjoy the party that much," you shrugged, trying to pull your hand away, but his fingers were still wrapped around yours tightly.

"Why, what's wrong? It's so close to midnight," Ryan asked, and he seemed genuinely upset about you not having stayed.

"Exactly, it felt like I was in the wrong place," you confessed; you might as well be honest with him, "like nobody even cared if I was there or not."

"I care," Ryan protested, making you smile.

"I know, Ry, I know," you told him, "but let's be honest: we both know you'd rather be with this pretty girl for your new year's kiss, so hurry up or you won't make it before midnight."

Wide eyed he stared at you.


"That blonde girl? Come on, it's okay, go have fun. I'll watch the fireworks, and then drive home," you assured him, but he shook his head.

"I didn't, still don't want her to be my new year's kiss," he mumbled, "I wanted to ask you if it's okay if you I kiss you this year."

Now it was your turn to be confused and stare at him wide eyed.

"But new year's kisses are for romantic partners, not friends," you argued, making him chuckle slightly.

"I know," he whispered, stepping a little closer to you "That's the point, you see? I've wanted to ask you out for ages now, but I didn't find the right moment, so I figured..."

You looked up to him, finding he had backed you against the car by now, leaving just a little space between your and his body.

Just when you tried to form an answer that made some sort of sense, cheers erupted all around, and fireworks went off left and right.

"What just happened," you asked instead. Your mind was still so hard trying to understand what Ryan had just told you, that you had even forgotten that the New Year was merely minutes away.

"I guess it's midnight," Ryan realised, and took a careful step back, "Happy New Year, (y/n)."

"Happy New Year, Ryan," you replied, nervously looking at him.

Had he interpreted your hesitation earlier as rejection, so was it pretty obvious now that you were nervous, but in a good way; your glances wandering between his eyes and his lips gave you away.

"So... new year's kiss," he asked quietly, taking the step forward again.

Carefully you nodded, unable to take your eyes away from his face. Gently he let go of your hand, and cupped your face, pulling you in for a kiss. Unable to resist, you grabbed him by the collar of his black dress shirt, and pressed yourself closer to him, making his heart beat faster, and a smile pulled on his lips.

Above you a thousands of fireworks exploded, painting billions of stars into the sky. When you pulled away from Ryan, the lights reflected in his eyes, which looked down on you with so much adoration and love.

"Shall we go back," you asked, melting into Ryan's touch as he gently ran his fingers down your jaw.

"Actually I'd rather watch the fireworks together with you," he smiled.

"But- you're gonna be cold," you worried, running your fingers over the thin fabric of his shirt.

"Then let's sit in your car, and then go home after. We can watch a movie at my place," he suggested, making you laugh.

"I'd like that," you grinned, and pulled the keys out to unlock your car, "but what about your jacket?"

"I'm gonna text Dan later," Ryan smiled, and climbed into the passenger seat. "Now let's watch the fireworks and kiss some more."

Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now