Dallon Weekes x Reader - Late Night Baking

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What Dallon says about the shirt the reader is wearing is a (translated) line from a song of my favourite German band, called Killerpilze. If you're into punk music, you should check them out. Also, since their last album before a huge hiatus is coming up, I actually might be posting about that too for the next weeks, since they're punk too.

Lazily you took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent around you. It took you a moment to remember why not only the pillow, but the entire bedroom smelled of perfectly subtle of Dallon. It was because it was Dallon's room, of course.

Reaching your hands over your head, stretching a little, you thought back to a couple of weeks back, when Dallon, stammering and blushing, had asked you if you would ever consider moving in with him. To be honest, you had not really given the whole thing a proper thought until then, a part of your mind still doubting this all was real, the whole relationship with the intelligent and talented, not to mention stunningly beautiful, bassist.

But the second he had asked, you knew that there was nothing you wanted more in the world than to live with him, to fall asleep at his side every night, wake up with his hair in your face, because he had managed to tangle his long limbs with yours while he was asleep.

So after you had quit your flat, which had taken far too long for your liking, tonight had been the first night you officially spent living in a flat with Dallon.

The grin that pulled on the corners of your mouth was almost painful, and intending to muffle the happy giggles escaping you, you turned your head, and pressed your face in the pillow. It took you a couple more seconds until you finally were awake enough to notice that the room was still entirely dark, apart from the thin orange beams of light from the street lanterns, which snuck through the tiny gaps in the shutters.

Sighing quietly, you reached your hand over to where you expected to find Dallon in the bed next to you, but weirdly enough the bed was empty and cold. Furrowing your brows, you sat up, turning to look at the faintly illuminated alarm clock on the bedside table. It was not even two am.

Listening to the faint sounds of the house for a moment, you could not find any clue to where Dallon might have disappeared too. After all, a bathroom break hardly took long enough for the bed to go cold.

Nervously biting your lip, you stood up, placing your bare feet on the soft carpet, and padded to the door of the bedroom, carefully pushing it open. The corridor was entirely black.

A feeling of dread washed over you, stopping you from turning on the lights. Instead you slowly walked down the corridor, hand on the wall, until you found the stairs. Testing how wide every step was with your toes, you slowly descended the stairs, until you stood in the living room. From underneath the closed kitchen door you could see a light shining through.

So it seemed a nightly craving had overcome Dallon.

Smiling you walked thought the living room, bumped into a side board, and reached the door, gently pushing it open. You had expected to find Dallon sitting at the table, munching on something, or maybe in front of the fridge, but instead he was kneeling on the floor in front of the oven.

The counters and the table were covered in flour, and many bowls, plates, cups and utensils, all covered with different stages of half-finished dough, were laying around. Looking at the mess, you wondered how you had been able to sleep with all the noise this must have made.

Dallon heard the door open, and turned around, a bit of flour on his right cheek, and looked at you wide eyed.

"Did I wake you," he asked concerned, getting up from the floor.

"Why the fuck are you making cookies at two in the morning," you replied with a question, looking past Dallon at the still pale circles in the oven.

"Ahm," Dallon nervously rubbed his neck, leaving a handprint of flour. "Remember that my parents wanted to come over tomorrow, well today?"

You nodded and walked through the kitchen, over to where your boyfriend was standing.

"We could have made something together, you know," you whispered, wrapping your arms around him, and pulling him into a sleepy hug, "we could've made cake or something, or gotten muffins from the bakery down the street."

"I know, it's not that," he confessed, stiffening slightly under your touch.

Curiously you pulled away.

"It's just... I'm nervous, you know?"

Watching him closely you could tell just how nervous he was. His eyes did not meet yours, and his hands were playing around with the flour covered hem of his pyjama shirt.

It would be the first time that you would meet his parents. There had been no other opportunity so far, and while you knew Dallon was nervous his parents would not like you, you had not been aware of how much it meant to him.

You personally saw absolutely no reason why you should not get along with them. In your mind you had mapped out a few topics that should be avoided, just to be sure, but that was basically always the case. From what Dallon had told you, you expected a lovely elderly couple, and you were looking forward to finally get to know them. But Dallon seemed more than stressed about the whole situation.

"Why, what's the problem," you wondered, reaching for his hand, making him look at you.

"I don't know, it's-," he intertwined his fingers with yours, and pulled you closer, so he was able to rest his chin on your head. "I- you mean so much to me, and I just really want them to like you. I would hate if I'd have to get into a fight with them over you."

"You don't really think that will happen, do you," you asked worriedly, looking up at the tall man.

"No, of course not," he assured, "I just want them to love you, because I full on intend to marry you in a few years, just so you know. And it would be a shame if they wouldn't get along with my favourite person in the world."

You couldn't help but chuckle when Dallon mentioned wanting to marry you one day. It was clear that it wasn't a proposal, but how he hoped the future would turn out, and that showed you just how serious he was about you. And that made your heart flutter happily.

"I'm sure we'll get along just fine, don't worry darling," you told him, placing your hand at the side of his face, and pulling him in for a sweet kiss.

He sighed contently, the soft touch of your lips against his the best reassurance he could have wished for. There really was no reason to worry, not when it was about you. Even if his parents would not like you for some reason, they surely would be respectful and approving of you once they saw how happy you made Dallon.

The little kiss ended far too early for Dallon's liking, his hands snuck around your waist, holding you against his chest, only now noticing that you were wearing one of his t-shirts, one of the idkhow shirts, at that. It made his heart beat only faster, and he was worried his chest might explode, so he quickly pulled you into a hug, and nuzzled his nose against your hair.

"You okay," you asked giggling, not having expected the sudden hug.

"You look so good when you wear my shirt," Dallon mumbled, making you smile.

By the time the cookies were finished, you had helped Dallon clean up the kitchen. The dirty dishes went into the dishwasher, which did most of the work, so that only left the surfaces to be wiped.

Following your suggestion, Dallon had pulled out a plate and two glasses which he filled with milk, and as soon as the cookies were cooled down enough to touch them, he piled them onto the plate.

Sitting at the kitchen counter, feet bumping against each other, and sometimes legs intertwined, you were eating the still hot cookies, dipping them in milk, and cooling your tongues, whenever you had burned them on the delicious treats.

Dallon found himself thinking that this probably was the best night of his life. It was about half past two, he was sitting in the kitchen, the love of his life in front of him, eating cookies, laughing and joking. Watching you double over with laughter, he knew for certain, his parents simply had to love you, you were far too amazing for anything else.

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