Dallon Weekes x Reader - Sticky Notes (Part Two)

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Request: There should be a second part to this, just my opinion *walks out and closes door* Word count: 1 952
Cheers to that friend (you know who you are), who sent me the acoustic version of Choke, which I haven't gotten out of my head since. Thanks very much -.-
Also: I know Ryan dyed his hair brown again, but in my heart it's still blue, and: IS ANYONE GOING TO THE IDKHOW SHOW IN BERLIN? If yes, let me know, maybe said friend, you and I can meet up ^^

Almost two weeks had passed since Dallon and you first talked to each other. After your exam on Saturday, he had taken you to a beautiful small café, where you spent the rest of the day talking about whatever came to mind.

You had to admit that the handsome young man had impressed you from the first moment on. You liked his sometimes shy, but sarcastic comments, his excitement when he got to talk about something he liked, the honest interest he paid to every word you spoke. Talking to him was so different than talking to anyone else. It felt as if he could truly see you. He did not mock some of your stranger decisions you had told him about, did not question your sometimes silly seeming opinions. He accepted you, he listened, and if you approached him with a problem, he tried to help. And you felt like you were able to say the same thing about him too.

Since that first proper meeting in the café, you had met only two more times. Today was the fourth time.

It was a clear afternoon and the sun beams felt really warm for the first time this year, so you were only wearing a cardigan over your shirt, instead of the heavy winter jacket. The first flowers had started blooming, and you marveled at their colors while you strode down the pavement towards the café where Dallon and you always met up.

He was already waiting for you at the entrance, leaning against a tall flowerpot. He wore a light colored shirt under a dark pullover, a leather jacket pulled over his shoulders, making him look like some kind of model, posing for a photoshoot. You still did not really understand how someone as obviously attractive as Dallon had taken an interest in you, especially since you considered yourself more on the gray mouse side of the spectrum.

"You made it," he said, pushing himself away from the pot, standing up straight, a soft smile spreading over his face as he saw you.

"I'm sorry, am I late," you asked worriedly, hugging Dallon since he had opened his arms for an embrace.

"Not at all," he assured you, "I just... I still sometimes can't believe you're really meeting with me."

You looked up at the tall man, trying to see if he was joking, but he seemed serious, so you just shook your head in slight amusement.

"I could say the same thing about you," you reminded, and held open the door to the little café, allowing Dallon to enter.

Your usual spot in the corner of the room was already taken, so you chose to sit by the window, which allowed you a nice view into the small park at the other side of the busy street.

"You know, I was thinking," Dallon started talking, after both of you had ordered coffee and some cake, "My mate Ryan and I are playing a show in a bar later on, if you'd be interested, I'd love for you to come along."

Surprised you raised your eyebrows. You knew Dallon played in a band, but so far it had seemed very private to him, so you had refrained from asking to hear a few songs, no matter how much you wanted to get to know more about his music, and thereby him.


A few hours later, you were sitting in a small bar. Of course you had said yes to his offer, much to his excitement, and after you had left the café together, grabbed some tacos for dinner, and had hung out at the small park next to the café, you had walked to the building in which the bar was set. It was a lengthy room, at the far end there was a small stage, barely big enough for a drum set and a piano. But Dallon and Ryan were playing acoustic, Ryan sitting on a Cajon, and Dallon holding a ukulele, so the stage provided enough space for them not to fall off. The counter was situated at the right side of the room, the shelves behind it filled with countless bottles of all sorts of alcoholic beverages, and were lit up in different colors. The bartender was dressed in a black dress shirt and almost seemed a too elegant to serve at a music bar like this one.

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