Chapter 5

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I really didn't have homework but I did have art. I pulled out my note book and see my picture if Lexa. I was just fixing up the details when I got a text.

Lexa 🥁- welcome to the group chat Clarke

Raven 😉- AYYYYY!! Clarky!!! 

I smiled. Clarky really. Just play along Clarke.

Clarke- Clarky?

Lexa🥁- I like it it's cute. Clarke  I mean Clarky. Pick a emoji.


Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- *nerd

Raven😉- ^


Bellamy🔔 -^

Harper😈- ^








Monty♻️- REALLY ALL OF YOU. I thought better of you jasper. I trusted you.

Jasper⭐️- you can still trust me.

Monty♻️- I feel like you stabbed me with a screw driver.

Bellamy🔔- that is oddly specific

Lexa🥁- anyhoo. Clarke pick AN emoji

I laugh so hard at my new friends.

Clarke- ok ok! I got it. 🦝

Luna💧-?? A raccoon?

Clarke🦝- WHAT!! I like raccoons!! They are cute!

Lexa🥁- noted. 😉

Raven😉- GET A ROOM!!

I blushed. What is she doing to me. What. Is. She. Doing.

Gustus👌🏻- could we all go to sleep it's 1:37 am. Schools in 6 hours.

Monty ♻️- technically 5 hours and 23 mins.

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- *nerd

Monty♻️- oh god here we go again

Harper😈- lol babe you should just stop talking.

Monty♻️- I know. Gn

Everyone said goodnight and I was so happy in that moment. I put my phone down and fell asleep with a smile on my face.


I wake up and my moms not home. I get ready for school and realize that I don't have a ride to school.

Clarke🦝- sorry to bother you guys but can anyone give me a ride?

Raven😉- Lexa

Octavia😙- Lexa

Murphy🦗- I can.

Raven😉- Murphy dont you have that thing before school

Murphy🦗- oh ya right! I do sorry Clarke.

Lexa🥁- I was summoned. What's up?

Raven😉- Clarke needs a ride.

Lexa🥁- oh ya sure.

Clarke🦝- but your car is scary.

Lexa🥁- I have another vehicle if you want me to use that.

Clarke🦝- really?! Ok

Bellamy🔔- I can drive you

Lexa🥁- nah it's cool. I got her. I'll be there in 10.

Clarke🦝-k thanks! Also thanks Bellamy!

Bellamy🔔- oh ya sure. Call me bell

Clarke🦝- ok!

I put my phone in my backpack and hear a knock at the door. I open it and Lexa is standing there with a letterman  jacket. She is leaning on the door frame with a smirk.

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