chapter 105

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Clarke's POV

Raven and I walk into the living room to see Lexa and Luna both sitting on the couch with their feet on the coffee table. I stand behind the couch and drape my arms over Lexa's chest. My hands land on her abdomen and I pat her stomach as I look to see what the twins are watching.

It turns out that they are still picking something to watch. Raven quickly takes the remote from her girlfriends hands and puts on Grey's Anatomy.

"McDreamy!" Raven calls out and I move myself to sit on Lexa's lap. Luna just gives Raven a strange look.

"Ew! Raven you have no taste. I vote McSteamy!" I smile at the TV while I curl up in my girlfriends lap.

"Who?" Luna asks Raven and I with strange look. Raven points out Derrick to Luna and she squints at the TV. I point out Mark to Lexa.

"More like McGagging." Lexa rolls her eyes.

"I agree with the idiot." Luna points at her twin who sends an evil glare back.

"Hey now! Let Clarke and I be bisexual!" Raven pouts while kissing her girlfriends cheek and then turning back to watch the screen.

"Babygirl, you know I support you and everything you love..." Lexa starts while rubbing her hand up my arm, "But if I hear you say McSteamy... I will be sleeping on the couch."

"Don't you mean Clarke will be sleeping on the couch?" Raven asks while keeping her eyes on the screen.

"No, cause Clarke wouldn't be able to sleep on the couch." Lexa says back to Raven with a confused look, "Why would I wish that on her?"

"Cause that's what a threat is... you can't even threaten Clarke properly." Luna rolls her eyes.

"I trained her well." I laugh as I kiss my girlfriends temple.

"You you have." Raven murmurs.


After a few episodes of Grey's, the twins were barely paying attention when Aden walks in. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, however, the scene that was playing in the screen wasn't... well it wasn't made for 6 year old eyes.

At the same time, all four of us lunged for the remote. After a bit of struggling and yelling we all successfully paused the Tv and the twins were standing in front of the screen to hide what was happening from a Aden.

"Hi!" Aden cheers happily, he doesn't even know what just happened. Anya walks into the living room in a search for Aden and pauses when she sees the "innocent" smiles on all of our faces.

"Mommy! When I walked in everyone jumped for joy!" Aden laughs. His chubby cheeks make everyone in the room smile.

"Uh... for joy huh?" Anya looks down at her little boy, "Aden why don't you go to the kitchen." Anya raises an eyebrow at all of us and Aden nods, bouncing his way into the kitchen.

Lexa clears her throat a little, "H-Hey mom." She gives a fake smile.

"Move away from the tv." Anya crosses her arms. The twins slowly move away from the screen and Anya sighs, "All of you upstairs! No more ruining my young boy!" She points to all of us.

We all nod and make our way upstairs but Anya catches Lexa and my arms, "What's up, Mom?"

I can see Lexa thinking about all the things she has done in her past that her mother could possibly use against her right now.

"So Aden asked me what appreciating means... I thought it was a cute question until I heard where he learned the word." She gives Lexa a knowing look.

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