Chapter 23: Truth or Dare

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It was still early in the morning when you got to the beach, but all the girls were already there, sporting their casual training outfits.

You greeted everyone and soon you all began training.

After running on the beach for a few miles and finishing various exercises, the lot of you started sparring against each other.

You found it difficult to fight against Tsuyu because she utilized the beach environment to her advantage, and as a cat and fire Quirk based user, the water was your natural enemy. You also struggled against Jiro because she used her Earphone Jack Quirk to amplify the sounds around you, seriously affecting your sensitive hearing during the match.

Once you guys finished sparring, you all gathered in a circle to take a break and eat lunch.

You were glad the other girls packed and brought sandwiches and snacks to share.

Although, all of you were blissfully unaware of the boys who just arrived and were spying on you guys from behind and atop of a sandy hill.


"Look! They're all hot and sweaty in their training outfits! Do you think they'll go bathe each other in the water??" Mineta drooled and fantasized.

"Shh!" One of the other boys shoved Mineta to the side.

"You know, this beach used to be a dump. I wonder who cleaned it up...kero." Tsuyu pondered, tipping a finger to her mouth.

"I-It was me!" Midoriya accidentally blurted, immediately slapping his hand over his mouth while the other boys sent him silent but deathly glares.

"Did you hear that?" Your ears twitched.

You popped your head up, eyes scanning your surroundings curiously.

"Hmm? I didn't hear anything." Ochaco replied, shielding her hand over her eyes and searching around as well.

The other girls shook their heads too, meaning they didn't hear anything either.

I could have sworn I heard Deku...? 

"Guess it must have been the wind!" You shrugged, laughing and putting a hand behind your head while chomping down on your (favorite type) sandwich.

The group of boys seemed to relax, releasing simultaneous sighs of relief.

"Why don't we play a little game since we're taking a break?" Mina wiggled herself next to you, joining you on the beach towel.

All the girls nodded, some more enthusiastic than others.

"What game??" Hagakure questioned nervously.

"Truth or Dare."

There were some 'Ooohs' and giggles from the girls, and the boys perked up with extreme interest.

"I'll go first..." Mina scanned the group, but her eyes quickly landed on you. "y/n, Truth or Dare?"

Curses...I'd better go for 'Truth' because if I choose 'Dare', she might make me go in the water or do something stupid.

"Truth-" The second the choice came out of your mouth, your confidence wavered when you saw Mina clasp her hands together and glance at the other girls with a mischievous and overly giddy face.

Your eyes darted over in their direction and judging by how their faces looked equally as excited as Mina's, you shot them a horrified look. You instantly realized you had fallen into their trap.

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