Chapter 83: Up in Flames

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A/N: Who's ready for a new chapter??
Sending you love while you read this unedited chapter. (。・ω・。)

Toga had just met up with Dabi and Twice.

Dabi was already in the middle of telling Twice to shut up since he was being noisy, but he suddenly paused, tilting his head up with sunken eyes and parted mouth when Compress crash landed in front of him with you and Todoroki on top of him.


"Hey, hey, hey! I know these kids." Twice voiced out. "Who are they?!"

"Mister, get out of the way." Dabi commanded, remaining calm as he lifted an arm engulfed by blue flames.

"Roger." Compress started to dematerialize and Dabi mercilessly sent forth a blast right at you and Todoroki.

Todoroki shielded his face, narrowly avoiding the attack by jumping back.

You, on the other hand, did not dodge. Instead, you raised both hands, initially unable to control and stop the attack completely since Dabi's flames were more powerful than your own, but you were able to do just enough to cool down the temperature of his flames so that you weren't scorched too badly on your hands and arms.

"y/n!" Todoroki's eyes bulged in worry, bead of sweat rolling down his cheek but he wasn't able to help because Twice leaped in the air, trying to attack him and he had to use his ice quickly to defend himself. 

Eventually, you were able to extinguish the flames, wincing as you stepped back but you didn't have time to recover because Toga ambushed you shortly after, knocking you onto your back with a sharp knife in her hand.

"I thought so, earlier too, but you'd be cuter if you bled more, Fire Cat!"

You flinched as she was about to bring down the knife, but then you heard Todoroki yell out your name again in a panic, snapping you out of it and allowing you to find the strength to thrust your hand up towards her face and ignite a flame.

She drew her head back just in time, only to get blinded by the brightness and not get her face burnt off as she recoiled and stumbled far away from you.

"There's your damn fire!" You jeered, slowly hoisting yourself up from the ground. "And my name's y/n, not Fire Cat!" You declared, standing fully upright.

"Is that how it is?" She replied darkly, head down and rubbing her eyes to try and get rid of the feeling of intense heat from her face. "I thought we could be friends...but you're not as cute as I thought you were. I'll cut you anyways, no matter what Dabi or that teal haired man says." Her amber eyes became feline shaped, leering very murderously at you.

"You're crazy." You squinted at her, hearing Todoroki's battle with Twice in the background.

Todoroki kept unleashing ice after ice at Twice, but he kept on dodging and mocking him, much to his dismay.

"Good job. This is easy. Give me all you've got! Stop messing around!"

Todoroki made a 'tsk' in frustration.

"What's with this guy?"

It was then that Mr. Compress deactivated his quirk on himself, returning to his normal sized form.

"Ow...I can't believe you flew so far to chase after me. Your ideas are far out!"

"Where's Bakugo?" Dabi approached the masked man.

"Of course..." Compress dug a hand in his coat pocket, 'Hm" sound coming from him when he couldn't find what he was looking for.

"He's right here." The smug sound of your voice attracted everyone's attention to you. "I don't know exactly what your Quirk is, but inside that right pocket of yours that you kept showing off was Bakugo, wasn't it?"

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