Chapter 81: Protect

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A/N: Here's a long **lightly edited chapter for the holidays! Grab some hot cocoa and I hope you enjoy this read! =^.^=

You were trailing behind Todoroki and Bakugo, admittedly you were shaking in your boots, so you allowed both of them to lead.

Bakugo detested it at first, fighting Todoroki and telling him to walk behind him until Bakugo finally settled down, letting Todoroki walk next to him.

You suddenly heard the sound of a twig snapping from somewhere in the bushes, jumping and blindly smacking into a sturdy back. You ignored the long string of obscenities coming out of Bakugo's mouth since he was pissed that you had ran into him.

"D-Did you hear that?" Your voice cracked and Bakugo's face dropped into a serious scowl, scanning the bushes when he saw your eyes lingering in fear towards them.

"Hear what?" Todoroki's gaze meandered towards the bushes, suspicious but not alarmed.

"You guys didn't hear that...?"

"No, furball. We don't have ears like you." Bakugo responded, tugging on your ears after another minute of seeing and hearing nothing from the bushes, but you were still too perturbed to react to him.

"It's probably nothing...a small animal or something. Or maybe someone's quirk from class B..." Todoroki's shoulders relaxed, him not sensing any immediate danger or threats. "Let's keep going." He motioned ahead, even taking the lead again, which Bakugo frowned at before yelling and catching up to him.


"Yeah, probably..." You murmured to yourself, eyes flickering towards where you heard the sound one more time before waving your arms in the air. "Hey, you two-wait up!! Don't leave me alone!!"

Little did you know, a pair of lurking eyes followed your form as you disappeared down the trail.


"Wait a sec. Did you hear that?" Your teeth clattered together as you stopped, poking your head in the direction of a small noise.

"I fuckin' swear-if you stop us again for no goddamn reason..." Bakugo eyes rolled in your direction, pinching the bridge of his nose and even Todoroki pressed his lips together in hesitation since it was the fourth time you've stalled the group.

"No, seriously..." You shushed the two boys, raising an ear and eyes widening like a deer in the headlights after spotting something black and hairy forming from the ground ahead. "What the hell's that??"

The two boys immediately whipped around in defense mode to see what had you all bug-eyed. Their faces shifted into confusion though, dropping their guards when they saw that nothing was there.

"There's nothing there..." Todoroki scratched the back of his head.

"You need to get your fucking eyes and ears checked." Bakugo jeered, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he got ready to get going again.

"No! I swear-"

"Yeah, yeah...whatever." Bakugo dismissed, trudging on ahead and Todoroki shrugged at you before walking alongside the other teenage male, who blew up on him for a second before getting over it again because Todoroki didn't let it phase him.

You watched from behind as the both of them plodded down the path.

It was rather comical to see them repeatedly saying nothing but 'Oh' and freezing with every step they took when a head appeared in front of them from the ground. It was also satisfying because it proved that you weren't going bat shit crazy.

Catch Me I'm Falling (Todoroki x Reader x Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now