Chapter 48: Trust

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You were following along, eyes glued to the ground.

Random thoughts ran through your head instead of being vigilant and alert for any sign of trouble or villains along the semi-busy streets of Hosu City.

You let your eyes easily adjust to the darkness, not letting it bother you that the only light sources around came from the windows of buildings that were still open.

There was faint glowing from lit up street signs and from the few scattered lamp posts around.

You didn't mind that you, Todoroki, and Endeavor were patrolling out at night, albeit it being a bit chilly...but the reason for that might have been due to the seemingly distraught Todoroki, who you were trailing a few paces behind, instead of the actual weather. You cursed his long legs that made it a tad difficult to keep up with his strides, but it wasn't as bad as trying to keep up with Endeavor, who was leading the way like the mighty number two Hero he was ranked to be. You blinked, suddenly having the urge to look up from the exciting pavement to Todoroki.

From behind, his half white and half red head was still locked straight ahead. His body was stiff, he kept his arms glued to his sides and barely swung them as he continued to walk.

But most noticeable of all, was the tense aura that still surrounded him. 

You weren't sure what had happened in between those few minutes of you ending your phone call with Bakugo and using the bathroom.

But ever since then, Todoroki has been ignoring and avoiding you. Well, as much as a person who was sharing a room and internship could.

You chewed on your lip before putting on a brave face, deciding you were going to get to the bottom of his dreary mood.

"Hey, Shoto-" Just as your hand was about to meet with his shoulder, the sound of a building collapsing and people screaming in terror in the near distance made you drop your hand.

The three of you whipped your heads in the direction of the commotion.

"There's trouble! Follow me! I'll show you what it means to be a Hero!" Endeavor commanded, gesturing ahead and taking off running at a speed that was expected for a pro.

You and Todoroki exchanged quick worried glances before scampering to catch up to the number two Hero.


Your eyes widened in shock when you guys arrived at the scene of the crime.

The building was in shambles, leaving only rubble as remnants of what it used to be.

But most shocking of all, was the brute of a monster that was screeching and readying an attack on an innocent couple.

It looks a lot like that Nomu from USJ...only weaker.

You brought your hand up instinctively, a flame igniting in the palm of your hand. You bared your fangs, ready to lunge towards the beast, but a strong arm firmly blocked your way. Gazing up, you saw that the arm belonged to Todoroki.

With brows furrowed and heterochromatic eyes boring into your own, Todoroki shook his head at you slowly before whipping his head back to where the monster and couple had been.

Following his gaze, you lowered your hand and let the flame extinguish when you saw a short elderly man wearing a monochrome yellow Hero suit and black mask.

He was fending off the monster by kicking it in the chest away from the pair. He jumped over the monster and was about to land a punch when blasts of flames came out of nowhere.

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