Chapter 88: The Plan

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A/N: Unedited !

Bakugo let out a shout, using both hands to blast himself a few feet into the air, mostly to avoid all the villain's attacks for a bit while also getting a bird's eye view of the area.

It's hard for All Might to fight because I'm here! Bakugo grinded his teeth, sweat sliding down the side of his face while catching a glimpse of where All Might and All For One were facing off.

Crimson eyes immediately veered to the side where there was the sound of a wall breaking, soon followed by the crackling of an ice pillar that shot straight up into the sky. It made for a good distraction, especially for the villains, but even Bakugo was squinting in confusion until his eyes locked onto a small flaming figure that was boosting up the icy slope. A ghost of a smirk sailed across his lips, feeling a little less stressed than he was a little while ago because he realized who it was.

Good to see you're OK, furball.


As Heroes, we've failed to score a win tonight...but now, I'm going to make sure we save...

"Katsuki!" You screamed, tears flowing from the sheer force of how fast you were going but mostly because of the intenseness of everything going on.

Said boy was watching you completely moon-eyed at first until his gaze softened, becoming one of the only times he fully allowed himself to look so vulnerable. He squeezed his eyes shut, gritting his teeth in a confident smile before extending his arm out all the way up. His fingertips barely grazed yours until you dipped down just enough to grab and get a good hold of his much bigger hand.  

"Katsuki!! I-I-" Your voice was breaking, unable to form any coherent words.

Tears streamed down your face after feeling his calloused, sweaty, but warm hand enveloped in both of yours, meaning that he was really with you once more.

That you hadn't lost him to the villains or persuaded by the darkness and that he was OK.

"You idiot...why are you crying? Didn't I tell you before that tears don't suit your damn face?" Bakugo had a smirk on his lips but you could see his eyes trembling a little at the same time, resisting the pricks of his own tears that threatened to fall.

He was so happy to see that you were OK

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He was so happy to see that you were OK. He would have never accepted the help if it was someone else who came to save him from his class.

Your face hardened, lip quivering before you released a laugh from his comment. You wanted to wipe away your tears of happiness, but you let it be since there was no way you were going to risk letting Bakugo slip out of your hands, literally.


**Few minutes before**

Midoriya's plan was to first have you, him, Iida, and Kirishima group and hold onto each other. He and Iida would boost Kirishima so he could break the wall with his Hardening Quirk. Then using the momentum from his and Iida's quirks combined, all of them would let go of you and you would use your Flame Boost to blast you up Todoroki's ice to reach Bakugo.

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