Chapter 74: Flower

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A/N: This is unedited btw. (=ω)


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"So...why were you wearing a shirt and shorts to the pool today?" Todoroki held his head in his hands that were propped up on his knees as he sat beside you on the train on the way to the hospital.

He tilted his head slightly to the side so that his grey eye peeking underneath his white hair could inspect your face, but he saw that you had your chin resting in your palm as you stared out the window, your lips set in a hard line.

"My stub..." Your eyes crinkled down in a sad manner, Todoroki sitting up in his seat after realizing that's something he should have already known. "It's still something I don't like about myself..."

Todoroki's forehead puckered guiltily, his heterochromatic eyes lowering down to meet his clenched left fist. He knew what that was like, to not want to accept a part of himself, but he was lucky he had you...someone that encouraged him to fully embrace himself and he wished he could be the same for you.

His mind continued to buzz, trying to think of the right thing to say that would make you feel better, but just when his mouth parted, the train lunged forward, coming to a halt before he had the chance to say anything comforting.

"C'mon. Let's go see Rei." Your voice soft as you clasped Todoroki's fist in between both your palms, snapping him out of whatever was on his mind and letting a tiny smile quirk up on the side of your lips when he widened his eyes at you.


Todoroki stood over the counter, trying to get the attention of the receptionist.


"Visiting hours are over..." The receptionist replied dryly, not bothering to even look up.

"But we wanted to see Todoroki, Rei." You butted in, popping up beside the awkward two toned boy, who didn't know what to say.

The receptionist finally brought her head up, ready to put on a fake customer service voice and shoo you two away until she spotted Todoroki.

"Oh,'s nice to see you visiting again..." She glanced down at her watch. "-but you know visiting hours are over..."

"Oh. OK..." A lowly looking Todoroki nodded, about to concede until you spoke up again after seeing a frown spread across Todoroki's stern face.

"Please, Miss!" You slammed your hands on the counter and Todoroki's eyes grew wide and his mouth went slack, not expecting your sudden outburst.

He was about to pull you aside but then your head plopped up, eyeing the receptionist with a pleading look as your voice came out in a quiet rasp.

"It seems like you know Shoto and how important and precious it is for him to be able to see his mom..."

The receptionist looked down, eating up your words and sighing before looking at you and Todoroki again.

Catch Me I'm Falling (Todoroki x Reader x Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now