Chapter 2

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Adeline woke up with Coco licking her she chuckled when she did and then she said "okay Coco i am up" Adeline looked at Coco and she wagged her tail Adeline smiled then she sat up and streached. She got off of the bed after she looked at the time as it was seven forty five so she has a little time to say goodbye to Josh because he usually leaves before eight fifteen. So she thwn rushed out of her bed room and in to the living room and there was Josh with his mom Lisa telling her the rules about Adeline. Adeline then said "daddy!" Josh heard her and then he looked at her and he smiled and said "good morning pumpkin" he picked up Adeline she then said "good morning". Josh smiled and then he said "i have to get going so.. Be good for grandma Lisa okay" Adeline then said "i will" Josh said "see you in a few days Addy i love you". Adeline then said with tears in her eyes "i love you too daddy" Josh sighed a little ever sense Adeline was abused by her mother and left she has not been wanting to be inseparated from Josh. Josh looked at his mom and she noticed that he was trying to signal her to go somewhere for a minutes so he could talk to Adeline alone she approved and went so Josh can talk with Adeline he then put Adeline down and he stayed bending down. He then said "Addy what's wrong? I know you don't want to be separated but i can tell something is wrong" Adeline then said "what if mommy comes back and hurts me". Josh sighed and then he said "she won't come back sweetie you have grandma Lisa and Coco with you to protect you.. I will be home before you even know it baby.. I have to go now i love you so much Addy.. See you when i come home I'll call you when i can". Adeline then said "okay" Josh smiled a little and then he kissed her on the fore head he got up and picked up his suit case and walked out the door Adeline ran to the window and looked out. Josh put his stuff in the back of his car and closed the door and he then looked at the window.

He smiled as he saw Adeline looking out the window and he then waved to her and Adeline waved back at him and he then got in to his car and drove out of the drive way abd headed to the air port. Adeline sighed and then she got off of the couch and went in to the kitchen were Lisa was and Lisa looked at her and smiled she then said "sit down at the table i made you some cinimon pancakes and watermelon". Adeline smiled and said "okay" she then sat down at the table and Lisa came over with Adeline's plate and cup of milk and put it down in front of her Lisa then sat down and she said "i know you only had your first practice but do you like your softball coach so far?". Adeline smiled and said "yes i do.. She is very nice and also so pretty" Lisa smiled and then said "that's good to hear honey". Adeline then said "do you think that daddy is happy?" Lisa looked at her and then she said "yes of course sweetie what makes you feel that he is not?". Adeline shrugged her shoulders and then she said "some times he doesn't smile when he talks to me like he used too.. And i saw him going on a few dating sites but not getting very lucky.. Is it my fault he's not happy?". With a few tears in her eyes she looked at Lisa clearly looking for a answer then Lisa said to her "no of course not Adeline he loves you.. He is happy Adeline but you have to understand that your daddy has seen a lot if bad stuff in his life when he was about your age.. He's so happy to have you in his life i remember the day when you were born he was so happy and he even cried when he first held you.. Your his little angel and he loves you so very much that's why he fought so hard to win custody over you.. Noe enough of that eat your breakfast because you need to get dressed up for practice and need to head out because your practice is at noon and its already ten thirty". Adeline then said to her "yes ma'am" Lisa smiled and then Adeline started to eat her breakfast she made her.

After Adeline ate her breakfast she got up from her seat at the table and sge went in to her bed room and got dressed in her softball pants and practice jeresy and her number is going to be number twenty just like Josh's. She then walked out of the bed room and in to the living room where Lisa was waiting for her and Lisa looked at her and she smiled and said "are you ready to go sweetie". Adeline smiled and said "yes i am grandma Lisa" she smiled and said "okay let's get going" Adeline and Lisa walked out of the house and went to Lisa's car and got in after she made sure that she has all her equipment and she does. Then they started to head to the field soon they got there and Adeline got her softball stuff and started to walk to the field with Lisa. They got to the dug out and Adeline spotted Maxie and she smiled and said "hi coach Maxie" Maxie heard her abd looked at her. She smiled and said "hey Adeline.. Oh who is this?" Adeline smiled and said "this is my grandma Lisa she is watching over me as my daddy went to Florida to play the Marlins". Maxie smiled and said "oh okay.." She looked at Lisa and held out her hand and she said "I'm Maxie Jones as you can tell I'm Adeline's coach it's nice to meet you". Lisa smiled and then she shook her hand and said "it's nice to meet you too Maxie" Maxie smiled and then looked at Adeline. She then said to her "Adeline why don't you get your cleats on and wait on the field" Adeline then said "okay coach" Lisa then said "I'll be sitting in the bleachers watching you sweetie". Adeline smiled and said "okay" then Lisa left and Adeline sat down and put on her cleats after she did that she went on to the field and waited. Soon the other girls arrived and Maxie came on the field and she smiled and said "okay this is good all of you are here.. Now lets get your arms loosened up so find your partners and throw some". Then the girls found there partners except for Adeline no one wanted her Adeline felt down and Maxie looked at her she felt bad she then went over to her.

On the field // Josh DonaldsonWhere stories live. Discover now