Chapter 38

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Josh woke up and he sighed as he did he then felt Maxie put her hand on his arm he looked at her and she said "when is the court date for you?". He sighed and said "today at eleven.. So i need to get dressed and ready for today?". Maxie Then said "do you want me to come with you today?" He looked at her and said "yes of course you can.. Your her mother and that bitch is not her mother i don't care if Adeline has a part of her DNA in her she is not her daughter". Maxie knew that Josh has a strong hate relationship with Izzy and she doesn't blame him because Izzy is trying to take Adeline away from Josh. Josh got up and went to get some clean clothes on Maxie then got up and also went to go get dressed in to clean clothes. Once they both got ready Josh heard Tucker and felt him pawing at him he then looked down at him and smiled a little he then bent down and said "don't worry boy we will try hard to get your mommy back okay". Tucker looked at him and wagged his tail and licked him happily he chuckled a little at him he then got up to go feed him and take him out side. After he did all of that Josh and Maxie was ready and they went to his car and left to go to the court house. Adeline got dressed and she went with officer Jennings to the court house and she was very nervous and then soon they arrived at the court house and walked in. They then walked in to the room it was a small room so it was just a few people there. Adeline then saw Josh and Maxie walk in and Adeline then looked at officer Jennings and she said to her "can i go see my daddy and Maxie officer Jennings please?". She looked at her and then said "yes but I'll have to go with you" she then said "okay". Then she walked over and said "daddy" Josh heard Adeline and looked and he smiled a little and Adeline hugged him and he hugged her back saying "hey baby". Then Adeline hugged Maxie and said "i love you mommy" Maxie's heart melted and said "i love you too sweet heart".

Then they pulled out of the hug and then it was time so Adeline went with officer Jennings and sat down with her as Josh and Maxie sat down next to each other. Maxie felt Josh's body tents up and then she looked and there was Izzy looking at her and Josh. Maxie could tell that Josh was not going to relax if she doesn't do something so she then put her hand on his and rubbed it gently and then Josh relaxed and took a deep breath and let it out. Izzy looked at Adeline and Adeline hid in her chair and then Izzy sat down officer Jennings put her hand on Adeline's back and rubbed it to insure her that it will be okay. Then the court session started and soon after the judge heard the hearings from both sides the judge then took a break to think about what she has heard. Maxie looked at Josh and she could tell that Josh is nervouse because he is bouncing his leg up and down. Maxie Then said to him "what ever her decision is we will get through this togather" Josh looked at her and then he smiled a little and then he said "yeah we will". Then the judge came back in and Josh and Maxie looked and Maxie's heart was beating fast as with Josh's. Then the judge explained what she has heard from both sides and then she said "my final decision is to let Adeline live with.. Izzy Hunter". Josh's heart fell down to his stomach Maxie gasped and looked at Josh and tears filled her eyes. The court was desmissed and Josh and Maxie stood up and Adeline then ran over to Josh and hugged him crying in to his chest. She then said "i don't want to live with her daddy i want to live with you.. Don't let her take me away from you". Josh's eyes filled with tears and he hugged her back and said "I'm so sorry baby i tried my best.. But now i can't do anything it was the judge's decision not mines". Adeline then said "i don't want to go daddy" Adeline then said "i know baby girl i don't want you to go either sweetie but i have to it's the law and i can't break it and if i do i will go to jail".

"And i know you don't want that to happen to me right?" Adeline then said "no i don't want you to go to jail" he then said "okay then you will have to go live with your mother okay" Adeline then said "okay". Josh then brushed a few hair strains from her face and put it to the back of her ear and said "i love you Addy and i tried the best that i could.. I'm sorry". He is trying his best to not break down in front of her Adeline then said "i love you too daddy.. Will you take care of Tucker for me". Josh then said "yes of course.. Do you think that your mother will let you have him?" They then heard "absolute not no damn dogs in my house". Adeline then said "please can i? You already took me from my daddy and i don't want to lose my puppy either". Izzy then said "no and that's final" Josh then said "you just don't want her to be happy don't you? I can't believe that you are doing this to her". Izzy then said "Josh you know that i don't like dogs" Josh then said "why don't you just get over your damn self and make sure are daughter is happy". Izzy then said "she will be happy Josh but she won't have that puppy around.. And won't have you and that tramp around". Maxie felt Josh tents up and then officer Jennings decided to step in and take Josh away. Adeline then hugged Maxie and she started to cry Maxie then hugged her back and kissed her on the top of her head sweetly and said "shh.. I love you.. We will take care of Tucker okay you don't have to worry". Adeline calmed down and said "okay.. Can you please give Tucker this.. It's my favorite hoodie.. And give daddy this". She handed Maxie the hoodie and also handed Maxie a drawing she did for him then she said her goodbyes and Maxie got up and left to go find officer Jennings and Josh. Adeline followed Izzy to her car and got in and then Izzy got in and left for Izzy's house Adeline then looked out the window and she saw Josh lettinng out some anger by punching a tree she then looked at Izzy and felt anger. She was mad at her soon they arrived at the house and they got out and they went in to the house. Adeline sat down on the couch sinking in to it and then Izzy looked at her and then she said "now you little brat so that you know.. That will be the last time you see your daddy and that little ass bitch". Adeline's eyes filled with tears and then she said "that's not fair i want to see them agian" Izzy then said "well to damn bad" Adeline then said "your a bitch and daddy was right about you".

"Your just a selfish bitch who doesn't care abot me or anyone about yourself" Izzy chuckled and said "go to your room now Adeline" she then got up from the couch and Izzy spanked her butt". Adeline Then ran to her room and closed the door and she got on her bed and started to cry and she said "i want my daddy.. This is not fair.. I want my daddy". She ended up crying her self to sleep in her bed Josh and Maxie arrived back at the house and they walked in and Maxie looked at Josh and he looked really down. She then put her hand on his shoulder and said "Josh I.." She was cut off when he walked out of her grip and went down the hall way Maxie sighed when she did. Then she sat down on the couch and Tucker came over barking happily and wagging his tail and Maxie looked at him and smiled a little. Then she said "hey boy.. Here your mommy wanted me to give this for you" she showed him and then Tucker smelled it and wagged his tail as he smelled her scent and then he tried to find her. It broke Maxie's heart and then she said to him "Tucker sweetie.. She is not here" Tucker whined and went over to the hoodie and laid down on it. Maxie then petted him and she sighed and said "we tried are best to make the judge see that she is happy here but she didn't gave us to her.. And now Josh is not like himself.. It's so bad". A few hours past and Josh hasn't came out to see her so Maxie decided to check up on him. Then Maxie walked down the hall way and saw Josh in there bed room on there bed looking down on the ground with tears down his cheeks. It broke her heart she then walked in with the drawing that Adeline drew for him she sat down next to him and then Maxie said "Josh.. Adeline told me that she wanted to give this to you". Josh looked and he looked at the drawging and he smiled a little and took the drawing from her and looked at it Maxie looked at him and put her hand on his leg and rubbed it gently as she did. He then said "why did she have to make that decision? Why did she have to take away my little girl from me? I don't think I'll see her ever again". That is when he broke down crying Maxie then hugged him and Josh cried in to her chest tears filled her eyes. Then she said "I'm not sure why she did babe.. But you should blame Izzy for taking her away she called child services for no reason she just wants to see you and i in pain it'll make her so happy to see us in pain because she is selfish".

Maxie knew that it'll take a very very long time for Josh to get used to this new life now he just lost his little girl and she knows Izzy won't let him see Adeline any more". Maxie talked to Josh and they got ready for bed and Maxie fell a sleep fast and Josh couldn't fall asleep his mind was asking a lot of questions. He has Adeline on his mind also and he whispered "my poor little girl.. Why did this happen to us lord? I just want answers". Adeline woke up in the middle of the night and tears filled her eyes and she said "i want my daddy i need my daddy.. I want Maxie and Tucker.. But mostly i want to be with my daddy.. I'm so scared with out him". She then hid under her blanket and currled up in to a ball and she said "i just want to be with my daddy" she cried her self to sleep again. Josh tossed and turned in the bed trying to fall a sleep and nothing is working Josh got up from the bed and walked down the hall way in to Adeline's room. He saw Tucker on her bed currled up in to a ball sleeping Tucker woke up and looked at him and then laid his head back down. Josh sighed and laid down on the bed and said "you miss her already too? Don't you buddy". Tucker looked at him and whined Josh then said "i do too.. I can't even tell you.. She ment everything to me and noe she has been taken away". Tucker then got up and went over to him and licked his face and then he currled up nezt to him Josh smiled a little and said "good night buddy". Then Josh closed his eyes and soon he fell fast a sleep.

A/N: here is an update 😀

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