Chapter 8

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Maxie woke up to Josh pulling her gently closer to him and he also kissed the back of her neck a few times she smiled when he did she then turned around in his arms gently and looked at him. He was a wake and he smiled she did too with a few tears in her eyes and Josh noticed he then said concerned "are you okay Maxie? Am i moving to far?". Maxie then said "no your not.. I just haven't been happy for a few years until now.. With you" Josh smiled and said "well I'm glad you are..". He then saw a fait bruise on Maxie's shoulder he was curious as he knows certainly that she didn't get it from him in sexual act. He then cleared his throught and said "Maxie if you don't mind me asking.. How did you get that bruise on your shoulder?". Maxie looked at him and she knows she wants to tell him she then sat up and Josh looked at her and he then said "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to". Maxie then said "no it's okay.. Josh my last relationship wasn't great.. My ex you may know him.. Bryce Harper..". Josh looked at her and Maxie said "he did some bad things to me.. The first year with him i thought we were ment to be everything was right.. Until the year after he came home drunk and acused me of sleeping with one of his teammates which wasn't true.. We got in a fight and he hit me.. But i thought it was the only time he would but.. Stupid as i was being blind sided by love and soon it became a few weeks he would abuse me and then it turned in to months, weeks of abuse.. He would threaten me to hurt me if i left him i was scared that i didn't leave him a few weeks after he did he wanted sex but i refused.. He drugged me and raped me i became pregnant and i didn't tell him i got abortion because i didn't want an inacent child to go through abuse like i was.. I finally had enough and now here i am.. I felt so lost and scared until i met you and Adeline i fell in love and i knew that i was safe..".

"And i just want to thank you for closure and showing that i will be loved.. Sense my family doesn't care about me any more.. Because of me being with Bryce". She started to cry Josh then sat up and he then put his arms around her and pulled her close to him as she was crying she barried her face in to his chest. Josh then kissed her sweetly on the top of her head. Soon Maxie calmed down and then Josh put his fingers under her chin and lifted it up gently. She looked at him and he looked at her and then he kissed her sweetly on her lips Maxie melted in to his kiss. Soon they pulled out of the kiss and Josh looked at her and said "baby I just want you to know my mom has also been through that.. I saw horrible things in my early life.. I know that I didn't get abused or anything but I will damn sure make sure he'll never lay another hand on you.. and I won't ever hurt you physically". Maxie looked at him and she smiled and said "I know you won't" he smiled Adeline is a wake and so she went in to the living room and she turned on the TV to watch the MLB Network yeah so she never really liked cartoons so she is different from other little girls. She then heard a knock on the door so she then got up from the couch and to the front door. She then opened it and she said hello?" She then shut down in fear as she saw her mother Izzy at the front door. She then backed up and said scaredly "daddy!" Lizzy said "shut up brat" she then slapped her and she started to cry. Josh heard Adeline crying and so did Maxie and she looked at Josh and noticed that he has a worried look on his face. He then got up from the bed and got on a shirt and walked out of the bed room and Maxie followed him. Josh walked in to the living room and saw Izzy his blood boiled and he said "why the hell are you here and what the hell did you do to my daughter!?". Izzy then said "she's my daughter too and I didn't do anything to her she just started to cry for no reason".

Josh then said "I don't believe you" Adeline then said as she still was crying "she hit me" Izzy looked at Adeline and then she said "oh you little brat!" She was about to go to her but Josh got in front of her and he said "stay back from her she doesn't want you!". Adeline ran over to Maxie and she hid behind her Maxie then she bent down and said as she put her arms around her "shh.. it's okay sweetie". Izzy looked at Maxie and then she said "oh so you found another women? How pathetic". Josh then said impatiently "it's none of your damn busines Izzy.. I suggest you get out or if you don't I will call the police on you for trust passing". Izzy then said "fine have it your way Joshua.. so that you know new girl you haven't seen the real man he really is". She then stormed out and Josh closed the door he then turned his attention to Adeline and Maxie and he walked over to them and Maxie looked at him. Josh then got down and he then said to Adeline "come here baby". Adeline then went over to him and he picked her up and he said "shh.. she's gone sweet heart I'm right here.. I love you". He then kissed her sweetly on the top of her head as he sat down with her on the couch. Coco came over and Josh smiled and said "Coco is worried about her mommy" Adeline looked at Coco and Coco started to wag her tail. She smiled and then she got off of Josh's lap and she started to pet Coco. She then said "I'm okay Coco.. I promise" Coco started to lick her. Josh looked at them and smiled Maxie then sat down next to him. Maxie then asked Adeline "what kind of dog is Coco Adeline?" Adeline smiled and then she said "Coco is a husky mixed with a Shetland sheepdog". Maxie smiled and said "oh okay.. she is very cute" Adeline smiled and said "yes she is". Maxie then looked at Josh and she then put her hand on his leg as she saw he was still a little up set at what has just happened. Josh felt her hand and then he looked at her and his body relaxed.

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