Chapter 32

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Josh woke up as he felt someone tickle him he started to chuckle and he heard Adeline giggle so he opened his eyes and saw that Adeline was tickling him. He chuckled and said "what are you doing you little turd?" Adeline looked at him and she then got him in his most sensitive spot and he started to laugh. Adeline giggled and Maxie walked in and she chuckled and said "okay Adeline honey leave daddy alone he just woke up". Adeline looked at her and said "aww but why? I love to make him laugh" Maxie chuckled and said "i know but let him breath". Then Adeline got off of him and Josh said "i am off the injured list and will be able to play today so we need to get dressed soon". Maxie smiled and then she said "Adeline sweetie why don't you let Tucker out side and go get dressed right now". Adeline got up happly and she then got Tucker and picked him up and went down the hall way to the back door and went out side. Josh smiled and then he got up from the couch and walked over to Maxie and he put his arms around her from behind and kissed her sweetly on the neck Maxie smiled when he did. Josh rested his chin on her shoulder and he said "i love you so much beautiful" she smiled and said to him "i love you so much too handsome". Josh smiled and he said "i have to get my work out clothes on for batting practice" Maxie smiled and said "okay handsome you go do that". Josh smirked and then he un wrapprd his arms from her and he then said "i will" he then smacked her ass she squelles and said "Joshua Adam Donaldson!". Josh chuckled and he said "love ya baby girl" he then winked at her and Maxie felt her cheeks heat up she knew she was blushing badly as Josh chuckled as he walked away. Maxie sighed in happiness she knows it hasn't been so long they have known each other but she is happy that she will be marrying her best friend". Soon Adeline came back in with Tucker and Tucker ran in to the living room and Maxie chuckled at him she then walked down the hall way to check on Josh she walked in to the bed room.

Smiling until she saw Josh sitting on the bed looking at his phone she then walked over to him and she said "Josh babe what's wrong?". She sat down next to him and Josh sighed and said "read for your self" he showed her his phone it was a text message from Izzy it says. "I will take you to court if defax can't do anything and i will make sure that Adeline comes with me because i don't want her to be around that tramp". Maxie looked at Josh and she said "she won't be able to because you have legal custody over her" Josh sighed and he said "Maxie it's not that simple.. The judge said if we keep on going through like this i could lose Adeline either by the judge letting Izzy take her or put her in the system and i don't want that to happen but it's a big chance it could". Maxie looked at him and saw the fear in his eyes she didn't know what to say because she doesn't really understand. She sighed and then they heard "daddy" Josh and Maxie looked and there was Adeline with tears in her eyes she then said "is it true?.. Is it true that she is trying to take me away from you and mommy?". Josh sighed and said "yes it is" Adeline then ran over to him climbing on the bed and hugged him around his waist and she started to cry saying "i don't want to be separated daddy.. I don't want to live with anyone else". Josh hugged her and said "i won't let anyone take you away from me baby girl.. I promise" even though it's a possibility Maxie then rubbed Josh's back as she knew he was emotional. Adeline calmed down and they then pulled out of the hug and Adeline then said "daddy i love you" Josh smiled and said "i love you too sweetie". He then kissed her on the fore head sweetly and then everyone was readt and Josh told Adeline to take Tucker with her because Ozzie has his first ever puppy and Charlie Culberson also has a new puppy. So they are bringing them Josh decided to let Adeline bring Tucker so he will have some socialization with other dogs and people because that will be good for him.

So he won't be scared or aggressive against other humans or dogs then they loaded the car and headed over to SunTrust park. After they got to SunTrust park they un loaded and went down to the club house Adeline started to walk with Tucker and once they got down to the hall way to thr club house they spotted Ozzie and Charlie with his kids and wife. They have there puppies also on the leash Tucker saw them and he started to bark and wag his tail happily. Charlie and Ozzie smiled and then Ozzie said "your puppy is so cute Adeline" Adeline smiled and said "thank you uncle Ozzie" then Tucker interacted with the other puppies and they started to play with each other. Adelinr giggled when they did Ozzie's puppy's name is Puchi and Charlie's is Poppy and Tucker has been getting along well so they then took them in to the club house and let them off of there leashes. Tucker started to chase them around playing Adeline is watching them with Maxie as the guys are up taking batting practice Maxie smiled as Adeline laid down on the floor and the puppies are going over to her and they all cuddled up with her and Tucker is the closet to her with Puchi and Poppy are cuddled with Tucker. Soon they fell a sleep and Maxie smiled in aw and she took out her phone and took a picture of all of them togeather cuddling and sleeping she then went on Instagram "@FutureMrs.Donaldson: my heart can't take this cuteness all at one time 😍 i think they all will be best friends for life ❤ @therealbor_20 @Ozzie @CharlieCulberson #cuteness". She posted it and then soon the guys came back and and Maxie said "shh we got sleepers".

On the field // Josh DonaldsonWhere stories live. Discover now