Chapter 12

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Adeline's dream:

Adeline is with Josh at SunTrust park walking around and hanging around with each other minding there own business until out of no were Bryce Harper came out in front of them pointing a gun at them. Josh said to him "remember what the damn restraning order i put on you said" Bryce then said "i don't give a damn.. Now listen to me or if you don't I'll kill Adeline. Josh then said "over my fucking dead body the hell you won't" Bryce smirked and shot at Josh insted of Adeline and he ran a way. Adeline went to Josh and she said "daddy? Wake up.." No answer Adeline then said tearfully "daddy please wake up..". Then Bryce came back and started to un cloth her.

Adeline wakes up from dream:

Adeline shot up in the bed and she looked around and her breathing became rapid and she started to cry Lexi woke up as she heard Adeline was crying. She then sat up and she said "Adeline what's wrong? Why are you crying" Adeline didn't answer her Lexi hugged her and Adeline cried in to her shoulder. After Adeline calmed down they got up and got dressed amd went down stairs Lexi told her mom that Lexi had a bad dream. Josh and Maxie arrived at Lexi's house and they both got out and walked to the front porch and Josh ringed the door bell and in a few seconds the door opened and there was Lexi's mother. She looked at Josh and she said "Adeline is a little bit upset" Josh got a little worried and he said "why? What happened?". She then said "not sure Lexi said that she had a bad dream i don't know what it was about because she is not talking to any one". Josh then said "may i come in?" She shook her head "yes of course" she then let Maxie and Josh in and they walked in to the living room and there was Adeline sitting on the couch with a few tears down her cheeks. Adeline looked and she saw Josh and as she did she got off the couch and ran over to him "daddy" he bent down and Adeline hugged him around his neck for dear life. Josh then picked her up and held her as she started to cry in to the crook of his neck and then Josh went over to Maxie and he whispered "I'm going to go outside so i can talk to her in private okay". Maxie then said "okay" then Josh headed outside with Adeline still in his arms he then sat down on the chair that was out there. He then said "hey Addy baby what's wrong? Why are you upset?" Adeline then looked at her and said "i had.. A bad dream and.. It was about Bryce.. He shot you and then started to rape me.. And.. You you.. Died.. I don't want you to die daddy.. I don't want to lose you daddy". Josh then said "shh.. Baby calm down.. I promise Addy i won't ever leave you.. I'm not going to die i can't because i love you too much.. I promise that is not going to ever happen.. I love you Addy". Adeline then hugged him and she said "i love you too daddy" he hugged her back and smiled kissing her on the top of her head sweetly. Josh felt bad his sweet, loving, happy little girl is scared now and he knows that she will always have that horrible memory in her life for a life time. He held her a little bit tighter but not hurting her and he said in a low whisper "I'm sorry baby.. This is my fault". A few tears blocked his vision he knew that Adeline would be broken his little girl is so broken right now by what happened yesterday Adeline then said "it's not your fault daddy it's Bryce's".

Josh looked at her and then he wiped a few tears away from her eyes "I want to go home daddy i want to be with you" she said tearfully Josh then said "okay baby.. Let's get Maxie and say good bye to Lexi okay". Adeline then said "okay" then that's what they did and after that they loaded in to Josh's car and headed to the house Josh pulled in to the drive way and he looked at Adeline and she had tears down her cheeks. He then looked at Maxie and she looked at him and then Maxie whispered to him "you can go anywhere to cheer her up and get stuff off of her mind I'll be fine staying here and I'll clean up a little when your gone". Josh looked at her and then he whispered to her "are you sure?" Maxie shook her head yes and she whispered "she wants to be with you babe and i don't blame her because of what happened". Josh smiled and then Maxie got out and Adeline looked at him and she said "daddy were are we going?" Josh looked at her through the rear view mirror and he said "some were special that means so much to me". Adeline looked at him and smiled a little and she said "okay" Josh then backed out of the drive way and started to head to the special place. Josh and Adeline soon arrived to that place and Adeline looked out of the window and she saw that they were out in the middle of no were and there was a medium sized pond and saw a little bench swing. she then asked "daddy what is this place?". he looked at her and then he said "lets get out of the car and go to the swing and i will tell you okay". she then said "okay daddy" and then they got out and headed to the swing and sat down and they looked out on the pond and Adeline asked "why is this your special place daddy?". Josh looked at  her and he smiled and said "well sweetie i actually had this house we are living right now in since about ten years ago before you were even born.. and i found this place and saw that it was very beautiful and i knew one day i wanted to do this with my future daughter and when i found out that your umm mother was pregnant i was happy as i could have ever been and i came here and just imagine what it would be like..".

On the field // Josh DonaldsonWhere stories live. Discover now