Chapter 25

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Maxie went over to Adeline on the bed she has been sleeping in since they got to Orlando and she smiled as she saw that Adeline was a sleep with one of Josh's shirts on. She thinks it's totally cute last night really scared her because when they got to the hotel last night Adeline started to cry again. Which lead her to getting his shirt and went to sleep in it she then bent down and she then shook her gently and said "hey.. Sweetie it's time to wake up honey.. Wake up". Adeline then started to stir around in the bed and she then opened her eyes and she looked at Maxie and smiled Maxie smiled also and then Adeline asked "after i get dressed can i face time daddy". Maxie looked at her and she smiled and said "yes of course you can honey i bet he'll be happy to talk to you before your first game". Adeline smiled and then she sat up in the bed and she streched as Maxie went to go get dressed in to her coach uniform Adeline then got up from the bed. She went over to her suit case and got out her softball uniform and she then took off Josh's shirt and started to get dressed in to her uniform once she got on all of her softball uniform she went back on to the bed and waited for Maxie to get on face time on her phone. Maxie got done in a few minutes and she then got her phone and went on to face time and called Josh in a few rings he picked up. Maxie smiled and said "hey sleepy head" Josh chuckled and said "hey baby girl good morning" Maxie then said as she sat down on the bed next to Adeline and she said "Adeline is a wake and she wants to talk to you.. So here you go". Maxie handed her phone over to Adeline and Adeline smiled and said "hey daddy" Josh smiled and said "hey pumpkin how are you doing?". Adeline smiled and said "good.. But i miss you" Josh then said "Addy i miss you too.. How do you feel about todays game?". Adeline then said "i feel really nervous daddy" Josh then said "don't be baby i might not be there but I'll watch on line I'll be cheering for you and your friends".

Adeline smiled and then Adeline said "do you think i can see you after the game?". Josh smiled and then said "yes of course baby girl i would love that" Adeline then said "daddy did you bring your chain with you?" Josh then said "yes i did why and i also brought the one you gave me why?". Adeline then said "because i want to wear it today not the one i gave you but the one you always had" Josh's heart melted like it always does when she says something sweet. He then said "okay Addy it should be in the front pocket of my suit case okay" she smiled and said "okay" Maxie then said "it's time for us to leave now Adeline so say good bye to daddy". She then said "okay.." She then looked down at the phone and she said "daddy i have to go.. I love you so much" Josh smiled and said "okay baby good luck have fun out there and don't stress out it's about having fun.. I love you so much too pumpkin". Then they hanged up and Adeline got up from the bed and she went to get Josh's chain after she did she put it on and Maxie smiled when she did. Then they went down to the lobby and met up with the team and loaded the motor coach and went to the softball fields. Once they got there the girls went to the batting cages and they took batting practice Adeline got in next after Lexi and Maxie pitched to her and she started to hit thr balls. Ava then said "woohoo Adeline your smoking the balls!" Adeline smiled and after her turn she got her cleats and put them on tieing them as she did. She then headed to the dug out and saw the crowed in the stands she felt her nervousness go up she then heard "who's chain is that Adeline?". It was coach Roberts Adeline looked at him and she smiled and said "it's my daddy's" he smiled and said "oh okay" he then put the line up on the fence of the dug out and Adeline looked. She is batting clean up which is batting fourth she swallowed nervously and then soon it is opening ceremony so the girls lined up on the field for the national anthem.

Adeline stood next to Maxie and she looked at Maxie and then at the American flag and the anthem started to play so she put her hand over her heart as the others did. Then after the ceremonies the girls went to the dug out and put some sun screen on because it's sunny and hot and then they got ready to bat first since there the away team Maxie went to first base and the game started and Adeline looked on as Ava was lead off and she hit a double. So then she got her helment, batting gloves and her bat and now Asia was up and she struck out Adeline went out of the dug out and she high fives Asia for trying. She got in the on deck circle and she took a few practice swings as Lexi is up to bat Lexi walked and Adeline is next and as she walked to the batting box she looked at the crowed and she felt so nervous the other coach called time for his pitcher. So then Maxie jogged over to Adeline as did Lexi and Adeline looked at them and she said tearfully "I'm so so nervous". Maxie then put her hands on her shoulders and bent down she then said "hey it's going to be okay.. Remember what daddy said to you before we left to come to the field it's all about having fun and remember he's watching you on line cheering for you and the girls". Adeline smiled a bit giving her a bit more confedence Maxie then said "are you ready to go now?" Adeline smiled and said "yes i am" Maxie smiled and said "okay give it your best shot". Adeline then said "okay" Maxie then got up and went back to first base and the game resumed Adeline took a deep breath and stepped in to the batting box amd then the pitcher started to pitch to her. Adeline swung at the first pitch as it was in the strike zone she missed then at the other one and missed again. Then the next pitch swung on and missed she struck out she sighed and went back to the dug out and took off her helment and batting gloves and putting her bat on the bat rack she then sat down on the dug out bench watching the game.

As the game went on Adeline was playing third base and she made a leaping catch to catch a ball that was going to go in the out field but she stopped it and threw it to first base. Her team mates cheered for her and as that was the third out Lexi hugged her and they went to the dug out where Maxie waited for them. She smiled and said "great catch out there Addy" she smiled and said "thank you" then they went in to the dug out as they are going to bat in the seventh down by one run. Ashley, Ava and Asia is due up so they got ready and so did Lexi and Adeline just in case Ashley struck out and so did Ava and Asia got on base as a walk and Lexi hit a double not scoring a run yet. It's now Adeline's turn she hasn't gone on base once out of her two at bats she struck out twice Adelime stepped in to the batting box after she took a deep breath in and then let it out. Then the pitcher pitched to her and even though she was patient she struck out again and they lost game one of pool play. Adeline slammed her bat on the ground not forcefully but she then put it down to say good game to the othee girls on the other team fighting back tears. She then went to get her stuff and packed it up in to her softball bag and she and the girls went out of the dug out and Maxie called a little team meeting. She talked to them and after she did Adeline went over to her and Maxie noticed tears in her eyes and she said worryingly "hey honey what's wrong?". Adeline then said "i just want to see daddy" Maxie then said "okay and we can do that" Adeline then said "okay" tearfully Maxie knew that she was upset at what she has done today striking out at all of her at bats of the game. They then loaded the motor coach and first the motor coach driver dropped off Adeline and Maxie at the hospital and they then walked in to the hospital and went to the front desk and Maxie said that there to visit Josh and they let them in and they went to his hospital room.

Once they got to his hospital room Maxie opened the door and Adeline walked in and so did she and Josh is sitting on the edge of the hospital bed he looked at them and smiled but then it faded a way as he saw Adeline walking over to him with tears in her eyes. He knew that she would be upset for striking out Adeline climbed in to his lap carefully and she then started to cry in to his chest Josh sighed and hugged her comfortly Maxie looked at him sadly and then Adeline said through her tears "i did so bad daddy i let my whole team down we could have won the game if i could have it the ball". Josh looked at her and said "hey Addy sweetie look at me" Adeline then looked at him and he said "honey you didn't let them down i and they understand you were nervous there is nothing to be upset about sweetie it was your first ever big game honey it's new for you you'll get them next time it was just the first game nerves for all of you girls.. Abd guess what? I'm clear to go back to the hotel tonight and I'll be able to go to your next game tomorrow baby.. Do you like that pumpkin?". Adeline smiled and said "i love that daddy" Josh smiled and then he said "there's that cute smile i was looking for" Adeline then said "i love you daddy" Josh smiled and said "i love you too pumpkin". Adeline then hugged him around his neck Maxie smiled as she hugged him Josh hugged her back he looked over at Maxie and he smiled and she did too. Then a few minutes later Josh was released and they walked out of the hospital as Josh used his cruches and they got a taxi to drive them to there hotel all of them fitted in to the back seat. So Adeline sat in the middle between Maxie and Josh as they left Josh felt Adeline put her head on his arm he looked at her and smiled he then whispered to Maxie "well that was fast" Maxie looked and smiled and she then whispered back to him "well it was hot and sunny out side so she's going to be tired she played her little heart out today on the field".

Josh smiled when she said that then soon they got to the hotel and they got out of the taxi and Maxie picked up Adeline carefully and she carried her up to there hotel room since Josh can't do it. Once they got there Josh moved the covers down and Maxie put down Adeline on to her bed carefully Adeline opened her eyes as Josh got her pjs and Josh said "here you go baby get in to your pjs" she then said tiredly "Okay daddy". Then after she got in to her PJs she layed down amd after Josh got his side if the bed right of the other bed he went to tuck Adeline in. He got the covers and put it over to her shoulders and he then whispered to her "get a good sleep pumpkin.. I love you" Adeline then said faintly "i love you too daddy" he smiled. Then he kissed her sweetly on her temple he then got on to his bed and then in a few minutes Maxie came in after she got in to her pjs and got under the covers with Josh. She then whispers "bless her little heart she's already fast a sleep" Josh smiled and then he put his arms around her and he whispered "i missed holding you in my arms last night". Maxie smiled and snuggled up against him gently and whispers back "and i missed being in your arms last night too" he smiled. Then Maxie kissed him on the lips sweetly and he kissed her back they then pulled out of the kiss and Josh said "good night beautiful" she smiled and said "good night my handsome ball player" then soon they both fell a sleep.

A/N: only 9 more days until i see Josh and my braves play in the stands of SunTrust park 😃😄 and also only 6 more days until my birthday 👍 anyway i hope y'all enjoyed!

On the field // Josh DonaldsonWhere stories live. Discover now